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Would You Ever -- Game


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Start with a question: Would you ever ........?


The next person answers the previous questions & then asks another question starting with "Would you ever...."



So i'll start:


Would you ever lie to your FI ?

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Originally Posted by JOSIE View Post
Kathy! That is so not a black & white answer, so probably YES but it would depend on the circumstances obviously!

Do you ever have second thoughts about getting married?
Never any second thoughts-- thank goodness! There were second thoughts in the beginning about getting serious in general, but once we were there, I was in for the long haul

Would you ever...

Kick one of your bridesmaids out of your wedding party??
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OH, and Kathy and Sillygirl-- I have eaten a bug!! I laughed out loud when I saw that question. I was in Belize, and we were on a tour in the jungle. The guide was telling us that the ant provided some kind of necessity, and had us eat them. I was the first to be like, OH ok, I'll do it. It is SO out of character for me!!

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Originally Posted by LadyTrunck View Post
Never any second thoughts-- thank goodness! There were second thoughts in the beginning about getting serious in general, but once we were there, I was in for the long haul

Would you ever...

Kick one of your bridesmaids out of your wedding party??
Lol yes, I did! But it wasn't as bad as it sounds. I asked my good friend to be a bridesmaid, but not to let me know until she knew she could come. She said yes that she was going to come and book....she wasn't booking months after, and when I found a bridesmaid dress, she said she would come home to look at it (she lives a few hours away) and then she cancelled the day of! Anyway, then she emailed me and said she wasn't sure she was going to be able to come anymore because she wasn't sure what her plans were going to be when I was getting married, so I told her I was not going to have any bridesmaids anymore (just MOH) and if she could come, great, and if not I understand.

Sorry for the long answer haha

Would you ever...tell a family member they can't come to your wedding?
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