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After many hours scouring this forum looking through boarding pass examples, templates, and suggestions (and quite a few questions of my own) I have finally finished and sent out my own STDs! (btw, my fiance hates that I write it that way.)


I wish I knew who to thank for all the inspiration, but it's really a conglomeration of so many people. I can't even remember whose blank template I used (so sorry!!) Here are my pics:


STD in sleeve:

Click the image to open in full size.


I did 3 different sleeves. I only did this because I went to 4 different Michaels to try to get enough of the paper I liked, but there wasn't quite enough. The one I liked best is the green with texture. The other two are shiny, one is blue and the other is green. I did like the shiny ones, just not quite as much. Here are all 3 together:

Click the image to open in full size.


Each page of the BP laid out:

Click the image to open in full size.



Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

and I tore along the perforations on this last one to show the perforation:

Click the image to open in full size.


Hot glued together:

Click the image to open in full size.




A sleeve by itself:

Click the image to open in full size.



The envelopes I mailed them in:

Click the image to open in full size.


The piece of equipment that made it all possible:

Click the image to open in full size.

This is the Fiskar's Rotary trimmer (and scorer and perforater). Anyone thinking about doing these STDs at home, I HIGHLY recommend investing in one of these. I paid about $45 for it, but it made the job so easy, and i think they came out very well. And I'm quite sure I will end up using this again. I also used a corner punch and a hot glue gun.


I am including the .pdf file to show what the fonts looked like. I'm including the .doc file for anyone who wants to use it. You can change the colors and images just by playing around with it for a little while. The fonts I used are: Scriptina and Tropicana BV. The rest should come standard with your word program.


Also, I had these printed at Staples. I sent test prints to Staples, Kinkos, and Office Depot and liked the way they came out at Staples best. Definitely buy your own paper (I used 110 lb cardstock) for the printers to use. They would have charged me $80 extra if they used their paper. I actually bought my paper at Staples ($7.99 I think, with a coupon). It was the exact same paper they would have charged me 80 bucks for! How silly!





Boarding Pass STD brown.doc

Boarding Pass STD brown.pdf

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awesome they turned out great!


totally agree with you on investing in a cutter like that...I bought one too for my STD's and ended up using it many more times for all of my other DIY projects for the wedding...so I hope you get some more use out of yours too!

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I love yours!!! They are really similar to mine, I haven't posted them so I get no credit but my colors are the black, white and sage in a sage sleeve with raffia and a flower with an emerald in the center oh and a magnet on the back of the boarding pass :)


I'll have to put up pix! You did a great job!

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Originally Posted by azulskies View Post
I'm really considering doing these for my invitations..I'm just hoping I'm crafty enough.
Oh, I am SO not crafty!!! You can do it! And if you run in to problems, there's so much help here!

Also, I forgot to mention that my sister and her husband did some of the manual labor for me when they were in town visiting from Toronto. My sister is the MOH, but I'm thinking about making her hubby the back-up/honorary MOH cheesy.gif... he's just been so helpful!
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Oh, I also wanted to add the "fine print" from the last page. It reads:


The Fine Print: Guests choosing to attend this wedding are guaranteed a fabulous vacation, great food, fun people, and an all around good time. Tanner-Kargbo Airlines does not guarantee against tan lines, full stomachs, inebriation, a complete personality transformation to a “No problem, mon” attitude, and a desire to never return home. Guests may not hold Tanner-Kargbo Airlines liable if all future vacations pale in comparison.

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