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The best workout DVDs I have ever owned- P90X


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Originally Posted by liujessicam View Post
WOW!!!! great work AshleyMichelle! great attitude! you're approaching your rest week, I bet you're relieved wink.gif you're right! after a while, some of the workouts grow on you :) my favourites are core synergistics, kenpo and shoulders and arms...my least favourite are probably plyometrics and legs and back....they just KILL my legs to the point that I can't even wear my heels to walk!

I haven't been on track as I'd like in this second round of P90X but I figure I still have time since my wedding is in April 2010...those last 10lbs WILL go!!!
Thanks! 10 pounds lost and I am in my rest week! I thought I would be really happy about it but its still kinda hard LOL! I did the Core Synergistics and that was pretty hard. I am starting to love Kenpo and I love the lower body workouts (probably because I think I need to most help there)! Yoga though is not my fav at all. Speaking of Yoga I am doing that tonight!

I want to lose 30 pounds but to be honest I dont care about the actual weight but the inches/size!!! So heres to me shrinking even more :)
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Hi Ladies-

My FI brought home the p90x and I LOVE these videos... I have bad knees so I can't do all of the excerises but the arms, shoulders, back and abs ones rock.. They are hard but I can tell the difference I started with my 8 weights, then added wrist weights to lift with them...now I switch off between the 8s and 15s on the rep repeats!! I love it!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just started this yesterday...having just a few problems--my fi (who I live with) is gone for AT w/the Marines for 2 weeks and our dog is spoiled rotten and gets in my way the entire time I am working out so I have to crate her. Well then she whines the entire time and I get to the point where I can't take it lol. I had trouble w/all the pushups yesterday b/c I had breast augmentation in March and my chest muscles are still not back to normal...but so far I am excited about this program and can't wait til the end of hte 90 days. I hope I can stick wiht it and get more toned! I may modify a few things here and then and if I feel I have done all I can, I'll stop. I want to work myself up to it and not hurt myself the first few days!

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AshleyMichelle - how is the program going for you? I saw some pretty amazing before & after videos on youtube, and am thinking about order P90X. My FI says he will do it with me. The workout looks pretty intense though...crazy pushups and chin-ups. I don't have much upper body strength, so that worries me a bit.

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We have been doing P90X for a while and I love it!!!! I have lost 21 lbs and FI is down too. We took the before and 30 day pics and you can totally tell a diff. Althouh Tony is annoying as crap it's kinda fun to yell at him during the workout. I definitely recommend the program :) I'll post pics after my BD session next week.

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