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My friends think I'm psychic because I've always been able to "see" or "predict" things with my instincts and dreams. I've been like that since I was a real small kid. I saw a classmate in high school commit suicide in a dream about 2 weeks before it happened. When my nephew almost died in a car accident, I told my parents about it as the phone was ringing (with my brother-in-law on the phone telling them). When my brother severed 4 fingers on his hand when I was 10, I told my parents the name of the doctor to ask for at the hospital who could do his surgery. The list could go on and on....

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Originally Posted by NATASHA View Post
Oh - Kelly - I'm so glad I saw your post...

One of mine was going to be:

a) I'm not sure I want to have kids b/c I'm scared that my identity will have to change and I REALLY don't like the idea of hanging out with crazy moms who want to talk about PTA things, what color their kid's poop was last as you know it doesn't have to don't ever hang out with first time mom's, they are the wonight, or how much they hate their husband because he won't help out. I'm glad to know a successful mom who feels the same way - maybe there's hope
Natasha, Have kids they are the best, I adore my children, life as you know it doesn't have to end! Just take this advice don't hang out with first time mom's (I'm sorry if I offended someone, just talking from my experiences, so don't take it personally). I will be even a little more honest, I don't really like other peoples kids (oh I hear you all gasping collectively) I have no patience for them (well honestly it is usually the parents I have no patience for)

My children don't do the regular kid stuff, we don't do barney, not many toys(I find kids don't usually play with them anyway) we don't do amusment parks, kids music, or chucky cheese. My children are very well behaved and enjoy venus, such as art gallerys, hiking, long drives, dinner out, boating, the sky (a big deal in our house), all music (we go to many festivals in Toronto), and books. Take today for example we spent the day walking around Kennsington Market (The T.O equivilent of greenwhich village in NY), not once did Liam complain. We walked, browsed, listened to music, bought fruit (more exciting then toys!), sat on a patio and ate chinese food, and yes all of my children including Liam use chop sticks.

I surround my self with women who have children, but are not defined by their children. Everton and I have a life outside of our kids, and the kids expect that from us. I also am a firm believer in kid time and grown up time. Such as New years is a grown up holiday (you won't find us ringing in the New Year with our kids), and I love a good kid free dinner party.

Your children will definitely become the focal point of your life, but you may also enjoy the part of you who enjoyed life with out kids. You will most certainly have to be the good mom, and endure the christmas concerts and apple orchards of your childrens lives, make some small talk with the mom's, and politely decline the coffee invites. Always bring a good book to the park, and avoid eye contact, this is your key to survival!!! lol

But who knows, your tiny bundle of joy could enter your life, and surprise surprise, all of a sudden you know nothing more facinating then the colour of their poop!!!LOL
(Natasha it really is a risk worth taking!)

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1. I am terrified of the dark. Not just creeped out by it or uncomfortable, down right paralized by it kind of terrified. I need some sort of light on when I go to sleep, I wait until its light out to change a light bulb in a room without another light and one of the worst experiences of my life was when the power went out at night while I was in the shower alone in my apartment.


2. I believe in ghosts and have had more than enough encounters to rattle my cage pretty good.


3. One time in college I tried to drive my car using "the force". I put a motorcycle helmet on backwards so I could not see and started driving through a parking lot. Of course it ended badly, and of course I was not in my right state of mind while doing it.


4. I think everyone here probably knows, but I have the most wonderful fiance in the world!!!!!!!

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Here's one of my weirder quirks:


When I was a kid, I read in the paper about some guy who went to the bathroom and there was a huge snake sitting in his toilet bowl that had come up through the sewer line. Ever since then, I have to glance at the toilet bowl before I go to the bathroom (even at home) and if I don't, it freaks me out and I get spooked.

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Originally Posted by MikkiStreak View Post
Here's one of my weirder quirks:

When I was a kid, I read in the paper about some guy who went to the bathroom and there was a huge snake sitting in his toilet bowl that had come up through the sewer line. Ever since then, I have to glance at the toilet bowl before I go to the bathroom (even at home) and if I don't, it freaks me out and I get spooked.

ROTFLMAO.. I totally do that too... lol
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I do not have anything nearly as exciting as some of you but here is some info about me:


I am currently being treated for Lyme Disease, although some of you know that. The past year and a half has certainly been a roller coaster for Aaron and I, but made it even more clearer that he is a wonderful FI!


I also played ice hockey for 7 years! I even got kicked out of a game when I was 15 for getting into a fight with some chick we were playing against in Canada. My coach was pretty pissed at me to that, but only because I was the captain of our team and was not setting a "good example" shameonyou.gif

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Originally Posted by AmyInMI View Post
I also played ice hockey for 7 years! I even got kicked out of a game when I was 15 for getting into a fight with some chick we were playing against in Canada. My coach was pretty pissed at me to that, but only because I was the captain of our team and was not setting a "good example" shameonyou.gif
oooh Hockey! The best sport ever (ya, I'm Canadian, eh! wink.gif) lol. Hockey needs fighting though... as long as the players are "old enough". Did you win the fight?!! lol
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Originally Posted by lambert13 View Post

3. One time in college I tried to drive my car using "the force". I put a motorcycle helmet on backwards so I could not see and started driving through a parking lot. Of course it ended badly, and of course I was not in my right state of mind while doing it.
That's hysterical.

And thanks, everyone, for the kid comments. It's very helpful hearing from people. Glenda - I think more people should talk openly and honestly about their thoughts on whether or not kids are a good idea for them. It's a stigma to even say you're not sure. And you certainly can't go to your mom or MIL!

I did a book search - OMG - there are few people who even write about this topic. It's so helpful hearing the opinions of people who didn't grow up always thinking we were going to be moms who actually did become them!

OK, I've hijacked the thread (sorry). hijacked.gif
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Originally Posted by lambert13 View Post
3. One time in college I tried to drive my car using "the force". I put a motorcycle helmet on backwards so I could not see and started driving through a parking lot. Of course it ended badly, and of course I was not in my right state of mind while doing it.
That is a riot!!! Oh my God, I'm laughing every time I picture this scenario!!! See what happens when alcohol is added to creative/artistic minds?? :)
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