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How many surgeries have you had?


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I've had a whopping ZERO surgeries.


I can sympathize with all the "dry socket" people out there though. I had my wisdom teeth just done in the office, awake. Got dry socket only on the one side and I thought death would be better than the pain I was in. Evil.

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I was born with an "extra bone" on my knee. It's really hard to describe but I had a huge bump on the side of my leg that had muscle over it so when I would bend my knee repeatedly (ie. ride a bike, go up & down stairs) the muscle would rub against it and it would hurt. So when I was 7, they sawed it off. Literally. Now I have arthritis in that knee so I can predict the rain. That's the only surgery so far. Fortunately (ha!) I have a huge mouth so the dentist said I have "plenty of room" to keep my wisdom teeth. I do want Lasik though!

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Thankfully, all pretty standard and no emergency surgeries but...


1.) Tubes put in my ears

2.) Tubes taken out of my ears

3.) Surgery to fix the hole in my eardrum from removing the tubes and remove my adnoids (sp?)

4.) Tonsillectomy

5.) All 4 wisdom teeth along with that awful dry socket - ended up kicking and breaking the windshield in the car on accident as I was in lots of pain but still loopy from the drugs

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When your wisdom teeth are removed, there is a blood clot that forms in it's place. Dry socket is when that blood clot gets removed and all the nerve endings that were attached to the teeth are exposed to air.


For me the pain was throbbing from my ear to my chin on both sides. Not fun.

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I've had zero surgeries!!! Not even my wisdom teeth! My dentist told me the same thing that FoxyBride's told her..... my mouth is definitely big enough to keep them lol. I do however have a lot of strange "everyday medical issues". Nothing serious, but it seems like I have a lot of issues compared to everyone else I know!

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