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How many surgeries have you had?


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So my co-workers and I were talking about surgeries today. They all seemed to be surprised at how many I've had with only being 30. So I thought I would put this out there just for fun.


Surgery #1 - I was tongue-tied when I was little so they had to cut the part that holds your tongue down. I think I was about 2 or 3.


Surgery #2 - I was 16 and snored like a mother, so they removed my tonsils and adnoids. I snore no more...well barely! lol


Surgery #3 - I was 17 and tore the ACL ligament in my right knee. Had surgery to repair this.


Surgery #4 - I was around 20 and had my 4 wisdom teeth removed. FUN - NOT!! Man did I ever look like a chipmunk!


Surgery #5 - I was 25 and had to have my gall bladder removed. I never had problems with it until I lost 75lbs. The doc said it was because I lost weight. Go figure, you do something healthy for yourself and it causes other problems!


and finally Surgery #6 (last nov) - I was 29. This time I tore a ligament and my meniscus in my left knee. Again, surgery to repair this!


So that's a total of 6 surgeries before I was 30. Hmmm, maybe that is a lot! lol What about you guys? Can anyone beat that?! lol

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I am 25 and have had a couple:

#1- I was 12 or so and had to have surgery on my bladder

#2-at 20 I had a emergency surgery on an inflammed gland

#3-at 20 again I had to have the 2nd surgery again didn't work the first time

#4-at 24 wasn't surgery but they had to put me out for a procedure in my stomach and then wanted to take my gallbladder out but didn't

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Wow...you're a seasoned pro ;-) I've had 3 office "surgeries" (wisdom teeth removal, ingrown toenail removals....OUCH, and a pre-cancerous lesion taken off of my skin). I had a breast biopsy last year for a suspicious mass (which thankfully was benign, but it was ironic since I'm a surgeon who in 1 year will be performing only breast cancer surgery).

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#1 - Eye surgery to correct muscle imbalance - age 8

#2 - all 4 wisdom teeth - age 16

#3 - Gall Bladder removal - age 19


#5 - Emergency Appendectomy - age 37


I'm hoping I'm finished :)

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I have had all my wisdom teeth pulled but 2 at a time (Not sure if this counts)

I had to have my sinuses(sp) lifted (not sure if its what you had jerseykitten) it was a little painful but once my medicine kicked in it was fine.

They were both under local anesthesia(sp?)

Other than that nothing, knock on wood!!!

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I have endometriosis, and all of my surgeries were for endo.


#1 ~ Age 17 ~ Operative laparoscopy

#2 ~ Age 18 ~ Operative laparoscopy and Appendectomy

#3 ~ Age 20 ~ Operative laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy

#4 ~ Age 26 ~ Operative laparoscopy


My dentist told me 3 years ago that I need all 4 wisdom teeth out, but I haven't been brave enough to do it!

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1. tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy ~17

2. wisdom teeth removal x4 ~18

3. re-do of adenoidectomy ~24ish

4. IDET procedure on L4-L5 (insert needle into lumbar spine & basically melt the outer layer of the disc to repair herniated discs). Not exactly surgery but not fun ~26

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ugh. Just 1.


Wisdom teeth - all 4, got dry socket. I was 19 and told them to knock me out.


I told them I was allergic to opium based drugs and they gave me Tylenol 3. I was with it enough to mumble that I was allergic. They then gave me Darvocet. Again, I'm allergic!!! dumb censored.gif.


After that experience I'm afraid to have anything else done to me - including Lasik (desperately wanted!)

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