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MOH vent!!!! argh!!!


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Let me start off by saying we leave in 64 days and my MOH has yet to apply for her passport or even think about booking her trip. So she calls me earlier and asks for an event timeline. I tell her we have nothing planned but the wedding....no rehearsal dinner...nothing special planned. So she continues to ask if it would be ok if she doesn't stay at our hotel rant.gif...and also wants to now bring her 11 and 15 year old daughters (which is fine) except that she's not going to be able to hang out with me like I EXPECT her to do! Hello....she's MY MOH. She's suppose to be there for me when I need her while in Mexico....go out and drink heavily and she can't do any of this with kids. Argh! I just really don't know what to say to her at this point. She was like, well we'll come and hang out everyday with everyone....and I say, no you won't because it's $100 for a day pass x 3 = $300 per day. I'll be lucky if she even pays the $300 to come to the wedding. I'm just so freakin pissed!!!!!!!!!!!

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Oh no Lisa! Why does she want to stay at a different hotel - because it's cheaper? If so, have you told her about the $100/day Day Pass?? The money she'd be spending for the 3 of them to come over every day could well equal any savings she may get at another hotel.


But I agree, she is your MOH and she should totally be staying with you at her hotel, kids or not!

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And another thing....she hasn't got her dress or even thought about planning the bach party. I have 3 other girls who keep e-mailing and calling her to offer help and she is ignoring everyone and not even planning anything at freakin all!!!! I'm about to demot her a$$ and give the MOH title to someone who cares!! There....I said it!!

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And another thing....she hasn't got her dress or even thought about planning the bach party. I have 3 other girls who keep e-mailing and calling her to offer help and she is ignoring everyone and not even planning anything at freakin all!!!! I'm about to demot her a$$ and give the MOH title to someone who cares!! There....I said it!! rant.gifrant.gifrant.gif

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Alright... well I just have to say right off the batt that before I even read your thread, I knew you had to be pissed... I don't think I've ever seen a vent thread from you!!


The fact that she hasn't applied for her passport is a huge issue at this point! Seriously?! I mean, I don't meant to freak you out because I'm sure you're aware, after reading the same threads I have.... is she slow or something? She's going to have to pay to have it rushed. Doesn't it take 10 weeks minimum w/o the rush?!


Next.. the fact that she hasn't booked at all?! The people you should be hounding to get their reservations in SHOULD NOT be your bridal party or family - the fact that she falls into one of those categories is a big no-no. Also, I understand that it's her choice where she wants to stay and it's not like you can throw a hissyfit if she stays somewhere else, but I completely understand where you're coming from - she's your support group! What kind of a support group isn't there?!! There's nothing you can do about the kids though - they're her kids and obligation, but I agree... I'd be surprised if she payed the $300/day to see you (let alone for the wedding!).


I think you should confront her with your issues... be polite, but to the point. And explain why staying at dreams would probably benefit her. People like benefits!

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Originally Posted by lryates76 View Post
And another thing....she hasn't got her dress or even thought about planning the bach party. I have 3 other girls who keep e-mailing and calling her to offer help and she is ignoring everyone and not even planning anything at freakin all!!!! I'm about to demot her a$$ and give the MOH title to someone who cares!! There....I said it!! rant.gifrant.gifrant.gif
If you feel that strongly about it, maybe you should "relieve" her of her duties. Just say to her that you understand she has other obligations and you understand that she may be too busy to plan a bach. party, or join you in Mexico (say it without the guilt trip tone!!), and she'll either get the hint, or step down.
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Lisa, I'm so sorry. I agree with what courtney said, I think you should politely confront her and if she doesn't want the responsibilities that come with being the MOH then she should say that and you can ask someone else.


I think its not a good sign that she hasn't applied for her passport, what are the chances that she's going to want to pay the expedited fee for 3 people?


I hope it works out for you!

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Yikes, I'd be pissed too! I'd be seriously afraid that she would not get her passport in time. And why does she want to bring her kids?! She should know her duties as MOH do not include lugging two kids around.


Have you talked to her at all about her responsibilities of MOH? I would personally be at the point of promoting another bridesmaid to MOH. Maybe you could do two since your first one isn't really doing so hot just yet.

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Originally Posted by JaimeLynne View Post
Oh no Lisa! Why does she want to stay at a different hotel - because it's cheaper? If so, have you told her about the $100/day Day Pass?? The money she'd be spending for the 3 of them to come over every day could well equal any savings she may get at another hotel.

But I agree, she is your MOH and she should totally be staying with you at her hotel, kids or not!
Yes it's the $$. Her boss told her that if she took the girls that she would pay for them. So yes, if I were her I would jump all over it! She says that my hotel is just too expensive and she wants to stay somewhere a week and she can't afford an entire week at my hotel. Well don't stay a whole week if you can't afford it! If I were in her shoes I would only stay the 5 days she originally planned (at our hotel) and take the girls. Then it would be settled. But no, now she wants me to do research for her to find a cheap hotel because she doesn't have access to the internet at work. Seriously, I already did my research and it's called Dreams Tulum....take it or leave it missy.
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