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Deadly swine flu virus in Mexico

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Got a hold of Andi (who is in PV right now) and she says hotels there are NOT closed, just schools. She says it's business as usual there, just pretty dead - they keep seeing the same 15 ppl around the hotel wink.gif


They are planning on going into town later today and she's gonna report back to me.


She wanted me to send the message to the other PV brides to "chill!" and not to be jealous, you will be here soon! wink.gif Still NO cases in Jalisco or Nayarit!


Right now she's headed off to the pool. Ahhhhhh, sounds like a blast :)

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Hi everyone, as I have a June wedding planned in Mexico, I have been following this issue closely. I have been asked to do a camera interview for CBC about how this whole swine flu story is affecting destination weddings for Canadians. Someone found out that I am a physician planning a DW so wanted my perspective!


Right now in Canada, airlines and tour companies are no longer flying there for May, but are expected to resume operations in June. Rerouting to a different resort in a different country is possible, but I recognize that to plan a wedding with 1 week notice at a new resort is not an easy task!!! Many of us have been planning our big day for months, and despite the airlines being willing to reroute your flights, there are still an incredible amount of issues and work to deal with :-(


There is no travel ban from the Canadian government. I think it's also important to keep in mind what so many of you have already mentioned: seasonal flu (i.e. influenza) kills a lot of people every year in Canada and the US (mostly infants, the elderly and the immunocompromised) AND the swine flu does respond to medications, which is different from the whole SARS/Ebola virus story. It is a bit concerning that the casualties so far have been healthy, young individuals, but despite this, I do feel that this is somewhat being blown out of proportion, and we are lucky that so far our guests recognizing this.


All we can do is wait: a lot can change (in either direction) in a few days when we're dealing with infectious diseases! A lot of it will depend on the position of the WHO. If they upgrade to a 5 from the current 4, then things will likely get worse before they get better... On the other hand, officials in Mexico City are stating that the situation seems to be stabilizing RE: deaths and presumed infected individuals - maybe (knock on wood) this is a sign that things are taking a turn for the best?


I'm really glad I have this forum to turn to: makes me realize that I am not alone in my concerns/fears/stress, and that we are here to support each other in situations like these!

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For all you canadian brides who have had their weddings cancelled and are losing money......


Option: you could drive to the US and fly to Mexico from here? Based on the fact that this is all seems to be a media dramatization and the flu really isn't affecting the tourist areas, it seems to be that there was no real reason for these tour operators to cancel any weddings.

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Well ladies what left to my heart is breaking into even smaller pieces for all of you. This has been the worst week of my life!! I dreaded the phone call I received from my TA saying that our flight has been cancelled. We leave on Sat!! She searched for ANYTHING for this week-end and because of Conquest going under EVERYTHING is booked. My heart fell I was devastated. Yeah it’s not a natural disaster or a death…but in one sense it was the death of our beautiful year long planed wedding of my and Johnny’s dreams. So I let her go and called my FI and we cried on the phone. Sad I know. Our TA called me back and said that they have added a flight going to Cuba because of the cancelled Mexican trips do I want to go there. So I said to hold all of the seats that I needed and started to call all 38 people. The only other option was to have a credit!! Can you believe that!! A credit not our money back!! We got everyone on the plane and now it’s trying to find out if we can even get married!! If not we will have a renewal ceremony and then come home and have a private marriage here. I honestly don’t know if I’m coming or going!! It’s day 3 with little sleep and I’m quite the bitch!! I’m snappy at work and at people! It’s terrible! So I hope you all will be able to go somewhere and make the best of it! I feel bad for Jazmin she spent so much time helping me plan this!! I’m crushed but optimistic on what we can do in Cuba! I have my fingers crossed for the rest of you May Brides!

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kgeen, where abouts in Cuba are you thinking of having your wedding?? Im going to Cuba and we are actually date twins!.. We are going to Blau Varadero in Varadero... there are alot of resorts there that do amazing weddings... i know MRSAMARILLIS had her wedding at one of the paradisus resorts and her pics were gorgeous!.. if you need some advice or help PM me and i can help you out if you would like.. and if u end up going to Varadero.. we just might see eachother there! I hope everything turns out for you... having a legal wedding in Cuba is pretty easy and if you check the Cuba thread on here.. there is alot of info.. i also have the form that you need to fill out in order to have the leagal wedding.. good luck and let me know if u need any help!! hug2.gif

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