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Deadly swine flu virus in Mexico

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gosh this really sucks. after 2 months i finally found a venue last week and now this!!!! ugh. we are getting married in feb 2010. do you think i can wait till the end of may to send out std? i would like to send them out now but its obviously not a good time.

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Seriously UGH...all i have to say is THANK GOD for this forum cuz at least we have eachother to vent and keep us sane for the most part. Every time i stress I come here and feel a bit better. Most ppl agree that the media is blowing it out of proportion and u just have to be smart when u travel.

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I'm not a real worry type of person. In my opinion worrying isn't worth it. You can only do so much why stress yourself out over something you can't control. If my wedding was this month, I'd be going. Period. Fortunately my family does not freak out about things like this. We're all in the field of science and understand it differently. We've all just researched how to prevent ourselves from it and go on w/ our lives. Seriously its here!!! Only 70 some cases are CONFIRMED the swine flu worldwide!!!!! How many people get the flew every year? How many die from it every year? WAY MORE! Almost every case in the US has been mild. They've been asked to stay away from the public as much as possible and rest just like you would w/ the normal flu! here's an article from cnn. I really want emphasize Obama's statement in this article;


President Obama said Monday that the swine flu outbreak is a "cause for concern and requires a heightened state of alert," but is not a "cause for alarm."


The only thing about this flu is that its continuing to mutate and because you've never had it before its just harder to fight off. A few weeks ago FI and his father both got rotavirus, never had it, they were REALLY sick for a few days. But we just treated it like the flu. Then last week my daughter caught the Rotavirus (yes she was in the hospital but was there due to dehydration because her little body couldn't keep up w/ fluids since she was vomiting and had bad diahrea constantly.) From her, myself, her aunt, uncle, cousin, grandma, and 2 friends caught it. None of us had it and we got really sick for a few days. Joe and his Father did not cause they had already built immunity to it. Really ladies if you get flu like symptoms call the dr then rest up and treat it like the flu. THATS IT!


73 cases of swine flu confirmed; hundreds more feared - CNN.com


Sit back breath really scientifically understand what is happening, not the media. Read the cdc site and look up info on the swine flu and understand it! Once you realize, scientifically what it does and how it works you'll find its just a different type of stomach flu and you can breath and explain this to any guests. The medias job is to make a big deal so we watch!

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Yes, thank god we all have one another to vent to cause this news has really been bringing me down. My wedding is next month on June 14 so I'm hoping by then that everything dies down and that this flu is contained. Ugh, I'm sick to my stomach thinking about it though, and here I was getting all excited that my big day is almost here and now this happens!! Good luck to the girls who's weddings are right around the corner!! Keep your head up!!

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Originally Posted by TriciaD315 View Post
Yes, thank god we all have one another to vent to cause this news has really been bringing me down. My wedding is next month on June 14 so I'm hoping by then that everything dies down and that this flu is contained. Ugh, I'm sick to my stomach thinking about it though, and here I was getting all excited that my big day is almost here and now this happens!! Good luck to the girls who's weddings are right around the corner!! Keep your head up!!
I TOTALLY FEEL YOU!!! This weekend I finished decorating my raffia fans and started my favors... I felt great!!! I was getting excited and felt like I accomplished a lot. Things were finally coming together and I could see a little light at the end of the planning tunnel. This just took the wind out of my sails!
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