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Ms. Glenda, please.

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Hey Glenda, this morning I was reading all of the posts about the pashminas you picked up for everybody. I am wondering if you plan another visit to Chinatown in the near future?

Would you mind getting back to me about this? Either post here or you can pm me under lizzy.


Thanks so much!

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Originally Posted by Lizzy View Post
Hey Glenda, this morning I was reading all of the posts about the pashminas you picked up for everybody. I am wondering if you plan another visit to Chinatown in the near future?
Would you mind getting back to me about this? Either post here or you can pm me under lizzy.

Thanks so much!
Actually Glenda, I was kind of wondering the same thing lately!! blush2.gif I'm just curious on the details...
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Hey guys if a lot of people want pashs then I'll def go back. It would depend on when people's weddings are though. I am swamped with trials and I have a ton of weddings every weekend for the next couple of weeks so I can't promise anyone that needs pashs ASAP. But if someone's wedding isn't coming up for awhile then I should have no problem getting them. PM me with how many you would want and what colors. I have been able to get them for $2.75 each the last two times I went.

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<<eyes bulging>> Oh my stars! $2.75huh.gif Glenda, do you know if this place does distributions via email or anything or is it simply a street vendor that you bargained with? My wedding's not until November but I feel a bit off about asking you to pick more up when you already seemed bogged down w/orders/favors from everyone else here too. What's a girl gotta do to find that deal that you got? And what colors do they come in? From what I've read it seems that they're nice pashminas at that. I'm in disbelief over here. Wow!

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Claudia I would be happy to get them for you. Here is some info on the pashs:


1. The vendor is a street vendor in chinatown. There is no website or receipts or anything like that, its just kind of like a small little space where they sell handbags and accessories.


2. They are usually 3 for $10 but now that I hussled with the woman she gives them to me for $2.75.


3. The pash are not real. What I mean by that is that they are knock-offs. They have tags that say "PASHMINA" on them and they are pretty nice for the price. However, I preface it by saying that they are not real pashminas b/c I don't want anyone getting them thinking that I have misled them in some way to think that they were the real deal.


4. Unfortunately I can't return them, so if you don't like them you are stuck with them. They pretty much have every color (except I have learned for yellow, although they do have a nice marigold).


5. There is always the chance that I cannot get the exact shade of a specific color. For example you may ask me for 30 tourqoise ones. I may only be able to get 27 in one shade of tuorqoise and then I have to buy the rest in a lighter color b/c they ran out.


6. Just so you know I am not in the business of selling pashs, I just pick them up sometimes for girls on the site who want them. I only mention this so that newer girls who don't know me well don't think that I am trying to make money off this, it's strictly done as a favor to the brides to be. grouphug.gif


7. If you send me a pic of a color you like (or colors) then I can get try to get the best match for you.


8. I would PM some of the girls that I got pashs for and ask them if they liked the quality or not. They will be the best way to tell if you really should get them. Also, some of the just married girls like WEEZ, AQHARIDER, and KARLAV, gave them to their guests so maybe ask them if their guests liked them. I take no offense if people hated them. Heck I didn't make them. LOL.

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Glenda, you are awesome! (sorry to go back to 80's excitement expressions but that's what came to mind). I'll most likely PM you about this because it's just too good of a deal and perfect addition to the OOT bags to pass up! Seriously, that's super kind of you to do this for everyone.




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