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Tired of Hearing this! ARG!

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Okay, so we all know that typical weddings normally happen on a Saturday or Sunday. My wedding is on a Wednesday and I have had a few people say, "You do realize your wedding is in the middle of the week?" I just want to say back, "You do realize it's my wedding!" Have any of you guys had this issue if your wedding is during the week? I am so fed up with this stupid question I am almost to the point where I am going to move the date so that is on the weekend. Please help!
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Don't move the date, if that's not what you want. I had mine on a Saturday, so I didn't have to deal with this, but there was other things. No one is ever happy with EVERYTHING that you choose. It is unconventional to get married on a Wednesday, but it's also not that commong (except on here of course!) to have a DW. So do what pleases you.


I know, easier said then done. Hang in there, your time is almost here!

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My wedding is on a Monday, it was the only day we could get within having to be there 3days prior and everyone being there. Nothing was really said about it by anyone. I felt that it was a little strange at first but then I figured it's my wedding and I am on holiday - who really cares! Everyone else will be on holiday too so it isn't like an inconvenience for anyone. Next time someone says something to you I would go the route of pointing out that it's your wedding instead of changing the date :)

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My wedding was on a Wednesday too. Though I got married right before Christmas so it wasn't hard for people to ask off. I just said suck it! haha just kidding. Really it's your wedding. Do what YOU want. I thought it was fine being in the middle of the week. I was on vacation! Who cares what day it is? You'll be fine...ignore the haters!

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Mine's on a Wednesday too but no one has said anything to us. I was kinda thrown off at first when I figured out that it wasn't a Saturday but I only thought about it for a second and then realized ... who cares what day of the week it is...it's not like it affects what day of the week your anniversary will be or anything. When we're all on Vacation, Wednesday is just as good a day as any!


Try not to worry about it...a destination wedding isn't traditional anyway so the day of the week is just one more thing that's different from a traditional wedding...we're obviously not too traditional since we decided on a DW!!

Keep smiling!! Enjoy!!

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yeah stuff like that gets old quick! ours is on a thursday, and the way i see it (and what i'm telling everyone else) is "every day is the weekend when you're in paradise!"


i don't know where your wedding location is ... is it not far enough away that people would have to take at least a few days in order to be there? almost everyone coming to my wedding is going for the full week, so i didn't hear much about it being on a weekday. no one is going to want to fly out the morning after, all hung over! also, mine is in mexico ... i just told people you can't have a legal wedding in mexico on a weekend because you can't get the services of the judge (really only true about sundays, but the little white lie helped so much)!

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