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Guests staying during honeymoon


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Okay.. I here is my rant, vent tirade etc.. But I was just pissed the f&*! off today by my family. I mean I love them and all but damn.. so here goes.


FI and I are getting married in Mexico, we only want "close" and "immediate" family and friends to attend (this should have been easy esp. since I am the black sheep). So my father has informed me that everyone in the family is so excited and already making arrangment to attend, now keep in mind, we have not sent out any info (save the date,invite,ect).


This afternoon, my Aunt, whom I haven't spoken with in 3 yrs decides to call me an say that her plus the other 4 "matriots" of the family have contact the resort (thanks to my dad) to get rates and plan to stay for two flipping weeks. Then she later tells me that they plan on staying from tues to tues (2wks), but I was like WTF.. thats our honeymoon..Why? I dont want to see you guys during my honeymoon..


Now, I understand that some people are making it there vacation, but dang.. I mean I am going to JA for a friends wedding, and staying a 5 nights, but I am in no way going to be at the resort during my friends Honeymoon, ending the trip the sunday after the wedding.


For those who have already gotten married, or close to being married, has this happend to you? and how did you handle it? Is it rude to say, I would prefer you to travel during the June XX and end your trip no later than the Monday after the wedding. I mean we could stay another resort afterwards, but I jut saying.. I hope I am not being a bridezilla, but just wondering if anyone had encountered this.. and how you handled it.


After taking my deep breath I feel much better.. thanks guys

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I understand. I honestly do..this was a big factor in our early decision making.


What if you switch resorts for the honeymoon? That's what we settled on...it would give you a chance to maybe experience a different atmosphere and area. Maybe even book some place that might have been too expensive for the entire stay? Something a little more exclusive/romantic/smaller or whatever. We also figured this way, we would FEEL like we were on a honeymoon more, getting to transition from the place where we celebrate with family and friends into a different location that is just all about us "honeymooning". Dunno if that makes sense. lol..it's been a long day.


Hope you guys get it worked out. That blows that people aren't stopping to think that a.) it's good to be invited before assuming anything, and b.) you guys are going to be newlyweds.

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I agree with BillysBride, maybe change resorts if you can. It sounds like the less stressful solution.

This happened to us as well, we ended up booking 10 days thinking we would have a few days of alone time, but a few of our guests at the last minute changed their time from one week to 10 days/two weeks. Our solution - we are going to Vegas in April for our honeymoon. :)

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I don't know if you are using a TA but I set guest travel dates with mine. I told him that I wanted guest gone by a certain date, if people wanted to stay for a while they were asked to come earlier rather than staying late. My TA handled this with most people and just said that the bride and groom have requested that all guest depart by this date so that their honeymoon may begin. I told him if anyone was dead set on staying during the honeymoon to let me know so that I could speak with them.


I understand that this is their vacation (this is actually my motto) but that doesn't mean they get to do whatever they want in terms of my trip. If they want 10 days then 10 day prior or 10 days after shouldn't really matter.


We decided against switching resort but I know that a lot of people do that.


Good Luck!

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I got screwed by it 2 lol FMIL insisted she was coming for the whole 2 weeks and the TA managed to get her to book the day after but that was it!! so i've got everyone for the 2 weeks we are there lol


They have been warned they won't be seeing us and FI has been warned if I even see his mother its divorce lol She is there under suferance and i'll be buggered if i'm spending any time with her lol


If I had the cash i'd go away straight after the wedding but we don't unfortunately

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Originally Posted by Sloan View Post
Ewww. That's the exact reason we decided to stay for 2 weeks. I dont want to be bothered with my family or his while were on our "honeymoon". We need some alone time please!
Exactly, thats why we were staying for two weeks... I didnt and still cant believe that my family is acting like this. When I spoke with my Aunt, and mentioned to her that this is the time that would like to spend for our honeymoon.. Her response was.. "it aint like you all arent sleeping together now" stfu.gif I couldn't believe it.. "Seriously J, you are taking this thing completely out of line.. There is no way I coming down there just for three days!". I was fuming mad.. I just couldn't believe I heard these words come out of here mouth. I immediatelyh called my father, as he is the one who is telling people about. I asked him why are they so concerd with coming to the wedding.. they dont speak to me, when they do, its to verify my salary as if I need to lie about my paycheck (i had just graduated at this time), or when you see me.. you turn your face up to me.. His response was, its just like best friends, you dont have to speak everyday to still be friends.. WTF!.... I couldn't stand to stay on the phone.. Sorry girls.. but i had to vent
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