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I am trying to put together my photobooks for everyone and it is proving to be a daunting task!


Our photographer was with us for a week (and is a really good friend), my cousin is a photographer, and several of our guests so photography as a hobby. We have over 20 discs of pictures! It's great to have such a selection, but OMG!


So, my question is this...


Do I make one big giant photobook to chronicle the whole trip? I want to do something with all of those pictures and share them with everyone.


Do I do separate albums for each event - wedding week, wedding itself, AHR, and TTD?


I worry if I do a bunch of books, no one will look at them and I will have wasted a bunch of money. We have us and 3 sets of parents.


I also thought of doing a personalized mini book with the "highlights" for the people in the BP and each family that attended. Would that be weird?


Thoughts and advice greatly appreciated! I don't know why I can't make a decision!

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Hmmmm. I think that you should only make "wedding" books. Don't do any vacation books. And I think that mini books for the wedding party are a great idea! Too late. Psssshtt. I am still working on mine too, so you're fine. It'll be a nice way for people to remember how fun it was!


If you NEED to include vacation photos, I would keep it to a minimum in chronological order. Like start off wtha few vacation ones, lead up to the wedding, end with a few vacation ones.


But I still think having jsut a wedding album is the way to go.

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I think that one big book for everyone is a great idea! Mini books are very generous and special but I think that guests could make their own mini books, or bigger if they wanted to.


It's a great idea for the mini books but sometimes books get put on shelves and not looked again very often. If you wanted to chronicle pictures for them somehow you could do a little collage and frame it. :)

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I had a hard time deciding on this. I ended up making one book that had all of our pro pics. The last page had a collage of favorites from the week. That way the entire vacation was covered.


This was just the copies I gave away to family. I still haven't made my final copy of the book. I'm not sure how I'll do it, but I do really want to include some of the non-pro pics. I think I'll put in two pages of collages at the end.

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I am having trouble with this one too. I think I am making only one book, the wedding. I think I will forget about the vacation pics. I may give in and make a smaller vacation one though if I can get it for a good price. But I am focusing on the wedding one (am ordering it in 12x15 from my publisher).


I am also debating adding a page for each AHR at the end of the wedding book. If I decide to leave it out, I definitely won't bother doing a book alone. we don't have enough great pics of the AHR for it to be worthwhile.


I would definitely combine the wedding and TTD, to me the TTD is just an extension of the wedding pics.

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Yeah, I agree with previous posters... All wedding related things should go in the book - wedding, reception, TTD, AHR. Whatever you wore your dress for! So I think it should be a wedding book.


But I also kinda like the idea of giving them a collage rather then a book. I am keeping this in mind for myself now!


Oh and I also liked Morgan's idea of making a collage at the end of the book to include vacation photos.


I am kinda all over the place, aren't I?

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Hmmm.. I agree with parts of what everyone said above---


I would do big books for yourself and parents ... most of it wedding stuff (anything you wore your dress for like carly said) and then do a page or two at the end with your favorite week pics (in collage form perhaps) of pics that really show the spirit of your wedding week.


I love the idea of mini-books for the WP. I may steal that idea when my time comes!

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Thanks ladies. I don't know why some things that seem so simple are so hard. And, I have a slight BDW addiction so anything wedding related has to be run past you guys first.


After your input and some others, I think I will make a large book with everything for the parents. I know my mom wants one big album of everything. The resort pics are pro & pro quality. I figure if the parents are going to show people, they can show them the whole trip. I do wonder about my dad and his parents because they got there 3 days after us so they missed the beginning of the week activities...I guess that is where the major confusion lies.


I will do a vacation book and a wedding book for us.


The mini books will have the pictures of us with the BP member or family throughout the trip and then a few wedding photos.


Maybe I should price all of this out first. That might make my decision for me!

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