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Mommies to be check in


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Welcome Danielle...congrats!


Glad to hear everyone is doing well.


Nothing too exciting with me. I'm 32 weeks today and still feeling pretty good for the most part. I can't believe how soon the baby will be here, but at the same time it seems like this pregnancy has taken forever!!!

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Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
Lizz and Maureen are so close. I'm sure you guys are ready for the babies to just come already!

Angel how was your ultrasound.

Kelly ive never heard of the apple thing. i'll keep that in mind in case i ever feel sick. good tip.
Yay, a ticker! That is exciting.
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Cute picture Julie!


Just checking in again.... Mo, we only have 32 days to go!

So far things are good; I just had an appt. and there is no action with the cervix yet. I was expecting that I guess.

I am up 40 pounds! My doctor wasn't too excited about that! Mo, although you had to suffer, it must be nice to not have gained hardly any weight! I hope that I don't have any problems loosing it!


How much did you ladies gain with your pregnancies? How long did it take to lose it, and did you lose all, some or none of it?

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Originally Posted by SheaS View Post
Cute picture Julie!

Just checking in again.... Mo, we only have 32 days to go!
So far things are good; I just had an appt. and there is no action with the cervix yet. I was expecting that I guess.
I am up 40 pounds! My doctor wasn't too excited about that! Mo, although you had to suffer, it must be nice to not have gained hardly any weight! I hope that I don't have any problems loosing it!

How much did you ladies gain with your pregnancies? How long did it take to lose it, and did you lose all, some or none of it?
Well I gained more weight than I think anyone else on here did, I gained 55 lbs!!!!! wtf.gif So far I have lost 30 lbs and Ella is almost 5 months old. I have 20 lbs to go but I really don't think I will lose it till I am done breast feeding. Breast feeding makes me starving!! I have to eat a lot more than normal to keep up my energy, if I don't eat I get the shakes and get really really grumpy. So, I think that 20 lbs will stay put till I can get past this needing to eat all the time.
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Oh Julie, dont worry with my daughter that is now 9 is gained 75 LBS. It was crazy. I had Pre Clampsya. I was like omar the tent maker. It took me about 6 months to get the weight off. Im hoping that I dont get it again, but they say my chances are greater this time around.

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Congrats to all the new mommies to be!


I'm doing well... 17 days to go. It goes by sooo fast.


I'm up 25lbs from my start weight, but considering I was about 30lbs overweight to start with I've got a lot to lose after the baby arrives.


We're moving the furniture into the nursery this weekend (at long last!) and I think we're almost ready. Not a moment too soon!


I have another appt tomorrow, but 2 weeks ago I was dilated to 1 and thinning out. I have contractions constantly which vary from 5-15 minutes apart most of the time, but occasionally go 2-3 minutes apart for an hour or so. My body is getting ready. Holy cow this is coming up fast!

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Hey everyone, glad that everyone is doing well. My ultrasound went well, they said they baby is measuring a few days earlier than schedule and everything looks perfect. I go for another on Feb 20th, right before we leave for Cancun. I was surprised that she could tell what it was already. I thought it was too early but she said you could see a little something IF it was there. So, she told us it was a girl. I'm still not cinvinced so we'll see what happens in another 6 weeks. Maybe because I wanted a boy. But as long as he/she is healthy. Here are a few pics.


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With my daughter I gained 30 lbs and with my son I gained 20. With both I kept on 5 and it dropped pretty fast because I breastfed and stayed active. I've gained a couple pounds with this one so far so I'm hoping I will be at my 20 pound limit.

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