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HELP!!! I want to eat the godiva easter bunny that I tucked into my desk drawer. Two days prior to receiving it, I made the announcement to not have sugary snacks, cookies, candy, ice cream, etc for one month. I did it with the bread, noodles, and rice and it worked great to jumpstart my weight loss..


What the heck was I thinkinghuh.gif!!! Now all I think about is candy and sweet stuff.

I had frozen grapes last night while my FI had the rest of his ice cream cake.


Oh sweet little easter bunny!!


Need some support here. The bottle of water and apple in front of me aren't cutting it and I think I may fall off the wagon.


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well now that you're over your craving I can say, I would have eaten the bunny, hahaha, I love chocolate and anything sweet! I can't buy sweets because I will eat them, so instead I just open and close the cupboards looking for chocolate or something and get irritated when I can't find anything and FI looks at me like I'm nuts!


Maybe I am!

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Originally Posted by cheese_diva View Post
HELP!!! I want to eat the godiva easter bunny that I tucked into my desk drawer. Two days prior to receiving it, I made the announcement to not have sugary snacks, cookies, candy, ice cream, etc for one month. I did it with the bread, noodles, and rice and it worked great to jumpstart my weight loss..

What the heck was I thinkinghuh.gif!!! Now all I think about is candy and sweet stuff.
I had frozen grapes last night while my FI had the rest of his ice cream cake.

Oh sweet little easter bunny!!

Need some support here. The bottle of water and apple in front of me aren't cutting it and I think I may fall off the wagon.

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Ok, this is going to sound soooo bad, but....

If you want motivation to stick to your diet plan, go spend about 15 minutes looking on the internet at fat chicks in wedding dresses. I speak from the bottom of my fat girl heart---- there are certain things that should not be worn on fat people in general--- 1) spandex (altho that was just a horrible 80's clothing idea in the first palce) and 2) big poofy white dresses---- *NOT* flattering for squishy people!!!! I am telling you, plus sized wedding dresses are not that great looking and that is the one area of the wedding planning that personally makes me want to either stick a gun to my head or climb to the tallest building at design colleges with an AK47....
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two words A-line.. ok that's one word, but point is... fitting on top and you can't see a thing waist down.. lol That's my plan anyhow. Even if I didn't lose another pound the dress looks beautiful! (except the back fat which I've been told can be smoothed out with a finger across the back)


I don't buy the junk food either.. our HR dept came around with jelly beans and chocolate bunnies for Easter. I gave up the jelly beans immediately but have held onto the bunny. He's waiting in the back of my desk drawer. Most days I don't think about him, but yesterday, a moment of weekness..


I think it's true about cravings.. wait a half an hour and usually they pass.. Good thing it did!

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