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So I come home from work today and FI goes to get the dogs out of their crates...so I hear oh &%[email protected] $&*@...(this can't be good)...


Apparently I didn't latch the boxer's crate all the way. All of my wedding stuff is in the office, and of course, thats where the crates are for the time being.


SO this is what was destroyed (wish I had a pic for you all!!!):

(1) 5 OOT bags ($1 per) - easy to fix

(2) 4 Beach Mats from Pier One (going to try to find 4 more Friday - $1 per)

(3) The plastic boxes that I had my candles in, candles ok

(4) The bag that all of my raffia fans in - about 10 destroyed, putting a new order of fans in next week!!

(5) A box that the candles originally came in - think a HUGE box of styrofoam peanuts ALL OVER the place....

(6) An entire bag of glue gun sticks!!

(7) A small bottle of glitter lotion


and last, but certainly not least...


(cool.gif MY BRIDAL BOUQUET :-( Not the 7 others that were in there....MINE!! So its not SO bad. He pulled half the plumerias out and the stephanotis...called Roberta from PlumeriasWeddingFlowerBoutique right away. I am sending it back to her tomorrow and she will fix it for me :-) Again, thank GOD for her. Wonder how much that will cost me....


Lesson learned:

(1) DON'T put your wedding stuff in the same room as dog crates

(2) Check and recheck your dog's crate!!


Hes the one on my avitar, the boxer. The Min Pin is a doll compared to him!!



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Oh geez - that really SUCKS. My dog (since passed away) hated being in her crate and would tear her way out of it and then tear up the house. I'm glad the damage is all replaceable ... but that does suck about your bouquet (I bet he knew it was yours , lol). Luckily - you have time to get everything back in line! Poor doggie - I bet he feels bad about it. ;-)

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Yes, god bless the 5 month timeframe!!! I always knew being a Type A would pay off someday :-) Yes, he knew I was mad at him but I gave him a big hug and its all good. But that first hour, man I would not even look at him!!! Thankfully things can be replaced and fixed, I have lots of time, and hes ok. I will have to see what comes out of the other end though....

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Originally Posted by drbrainfreeze View Post
So I come home from work today and FI goes to get the dogs out of their crates...so I hear oh &%[email protected] $&*@...(this can't be good)...

Apparently I didn't latch the boxer's crate all the way. All of my wedding stuff is in the office, and of course, thats where the crates are for the time being.

SO this is what was destroyed (wish I had a pic for you all!!!):
(1) 5 OOT bags ($1 per) - easy to fix
(2) 4 Beach Mats from Pier One (going to try to find 4 more Friday - $1 per)
(3) The plastic boxes that I had my candles in, candles ok
(4) The bag that all of my raffia fans in - about 10 destroyed, putting a new order of fans in next week!!
(5) A box that the candles originally came in - think a HUGE box of styrofoam peanuts ALL OVER the place....
(6) An entire bag of glue gun sticks!!
(7) A small bottle of glitter lotion

and last, but certainly not least...

(cool.gif MY BRIDAL BOUQUET :-( Not the 7 others that were in there....MINE!! So its not SO bad. He pulled half the plumerias out and the stephanotis...called Roberta from PlumeriasWeddingFlowerBoutique right away. I am sending it back to her tomorrow and she will fix it for me :-) Again, thank GOD for her. Wonder how much that will cost me....

Lesson learned:
(1) DON'T put your wedding stuff in the same room as dog crates
(2) Check and recheck your dog's crate!!

Hes the one on my avitar, the boxer. The Min Pin is a doll compared to him!!

Ohh dear...what a bugger! It had to be the big one too ..the one that will do more damage. Sorry to hear sad.gif
I hope you gave him a good dose of S##% Everything can be replaced fairly easily so its not that bad. This will make you laugh....I had a friend who's dog ate their seatbelt in the car. Imagine that! *lol*
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OMG! I am so sorry! You are very lucky considering how much damage it could have been :) I worry about this all the time and do not let my dogs go in the guest room AKA wedding room. Good luck fixing it all! Hopefully it won't cost you too much! Thank Goodness you have some time yet and it wasn't next month. Good Luck!

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