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Gift Wording

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We're sending our guests a final mailing in May to update/remind them of things. In it we want to include that we do not want them to bring wedding gifts to Mexico. Honestly we don't want to carry them back or pay any duties if that even applies.


It's tricky because we don't want to sound like a gift is obligatory, but we don't want to end up in Mexico with a bunch of packages and wish we would have said something.


Any suggestions?

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I read in some etiquette article awhile back to include something to the effect of "The couple will be residing at (insert address)...." and that's supposed to clue people in to ship gifts to your house instead of bringing them to Mexico.


I've always wondered if it really is an issue tho--- but I take it for granted that people out there have common sense. Which, I guess I shouldn't take for granted after reading various posts about people inviting themselves, bitching about DW's behind people's backs, bad BM/GM stories, etc... Weddings apparently bring out the "stupid" in people....

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Jamy I think the proper etiquette is to not mention this anywhere. You should do it by word of mouth. Have your parents and bridal party spread it around that if people do want to give gifts that aren't of a monetary nature they should mail it to your house and not bring it to Mexico b/c not only will you not have room to lug it back, you will also have to pay a tax. (I don't even know if you have to pay a tax but I'm just mentioning it just in case). If you put it in your letter some people may get offended that you are assuming that people are going to buy you gifts. You know how rude people are!!! LOL. If you really want to say something than I think you should. I'm a fan of doing whatever I want, lol. But the proper etiquette is to not mention anything. This is considered the equivilant of putting your registry on an invite, it's considered rude. I think most of the married girls on this board will tell you that people are usually good about not bringing gifts. If you think about it, no one wants to lug a microwave to cabo for your wedding anyway.



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Thanks Glenda, I'll do it the word of mouth way. At a friend's wedding in Cancun last year she had to divide her gifts among family to take back with her so yeah, there are people who won't attend a wedding without bringing a gift. Someone told me they were searching my registry for something easy to carry to Mexico so I told that person, but I think I'll gently spread the word to everyone. Thanks again :o)

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Good question. I agree with the word of mouth idea. Now hopefully it will spread w/o issues... You never know how ppl are though. If they hear it verbally they still might get offended. But whatever. I would just make sure and pass on that you are definitely not asking for gifts and their presence is enough and just say that you are spreading the word *just in case*.


Good luck! :)

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