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Why is the thought of changing my last name freaking me out?

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I don't know what it is lately, but the thought of changing my last name has really started to freak me out. Has anyone else felt like this? wtf.gif


Perhaps it's because I've been so independent my entire life, especially in the latter years. Raising my daughter on my own, paying for my own bills since I was 14, and putting myself through a $30,000/year education sans my parents help. I know part of the reasoning is also my profession because it's how people know me.


I know the resolution is to hyphenate, which I mentioned to FI and he gave me a funny look, I can only imagine what he'll think if I express my true anxiety. worried2.gif


I'm proud of who I am and what I've accomplished, and somehow changing my last name feels like I'm stripping away a part of my identity?? Am I crazy? stupid.gif

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Yep, it's still weird. I've changed my drivers license, etc ... but have yet to update my SSN, just for lack of time to sit in the SSN office. I'm getting more used to it now, seeing it in print as my married name ... but it's still weird.


I think we become attached to our name since we have it for so long, lol. :-)

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I didn't like my maiden name so it was easier to want to change it. but i still went through the same thing. I'm still not used to it. it felt like a mild identity crisis.


but, i was also really excited to start the name changing process. i get excited when i see my new name in print.


I dropped my last name completely, but i keep it on my email so people recognize who the emails are coming from.

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i'm psyched to change to my name because no one can spell it! i'm so sick of the "F as in frank, a, V as in victor..." every time I have to give my name for an appointment or reservation.


that said, its totally a mild identity crisis and i'm thinking of making my maiden name my middle name...would totally sound funny if i ever gave my full name to someone then, but at least it would still be a part of me! have you thought of that as an option?

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I was going to suggest making your maiden name your middle name as well. I contemplated it also but my new last name is quite long so decided against it, last minute. I constantly start writing/typing my old name all the time..it takes A LOT of getting used to!

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Reading your message, I know how you feel since I have many of the same thoughts. So I'm keeping my last name :)


Especially in my profession, when you have built a reputation and client base, etc, based on you last name, this is pretty common. But it is a very personal decision!

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