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Boutonniere or no Boutonniere

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I am not a big fan of Boutonniere's and I was leaning towards not having them. Just the bride bouquet and small BM ones.


Do you think that it's silly?


Has anyone else not had them?


I'm a somewhat "plain/not busy" person and I think that I would like the pictures to be less busy (and especially since the Groomsmen are going to be pretty casual)


My dress is gold color, he's wearing a beige linen suit, and the BM/GM clothes are hopefully going to be yellow (men wearing beige pants or shorts). We won't really be having any white anywhere now that I think about it.


I'm having a hard time "seeing" it all together. I feel like with bouquets and Boutonniere's it might be too busy.

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We aren't planning on havings bouts either. The guys shirts are pretty casual (cubaveras) and they don't have pockets...I just think it might look funny. But we are mainly not having them b/c FI doesn't want one. I don't think you need them at all...go with what you like!

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You should do whatever you like :)


The FI and I like the idea of a bout for him b/c it adds some color his ensemble. He'll have a boutonierre (single pink calla) while the groomsmen will not have bouts. He's wearing a light tan suit and the guys are wearing white shirts w/ khaki pants.

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My 2 guys are wearing bouts - they're not wearing suits or ties, just khaki linen pants and white shirts. Thought a bit of colour wouldnt kill them. Bouts arent necessary though. Do what you think looks best for your day. My MoH (who is my only bridesmaid) isnt carrying a bouquet - just a hot pink parasol.

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We were going to order them but the FI was pretty against them. So neither he nor our fathers will be wearing them anymore.


Guess that saves some $$ for us.


Our package comes with 1 bout, but we are going to pin that to my little niece's (Flower Girl) Monkey so that she can carry that down the aisle

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My fiance is pretty against wearing as he puts it "a lame flower" lol so I figure that's a definite "no" for him. I don't really care either way, since he's the one who has to wear it, so he may as well make the decision. No one else will be wearing one since it'll be just the two of us up there anyway. Since the bout is part of our wedding package, I'm not sure what I'll do with the freebie...I'd give it to my step dad (who is walking me down the aisle pretty sure, along with my mom) but I don't want to ruffle anyone else's feathers, so maybe I'll just tell them not to bother.

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