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Nov 08 brides


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Originally Posted by EricaG View Post
Things here are going great. My MOH went and got the guys pants for me yesterday since it is Bay Days and the sale ends tomorrow. I called her up and told her I had a MOH duty for her. She asked how much it was going to cost her this time. LOL!!! My Mom called her when the bubba kegs went on sale too! She gets paid back and she is really good about it. She is after all in the city.

I think I basically just have to test pack and finish the welcome books once I get everyones pics that I still need.
What a great MOH! Wow that's all you have left to do. I'm really jealous of ya especially since your wedding is 4 weeks after mine. I'm such a slacker! Now you can enjoy your fittings and all the other running around we have to do to get ready! Guys have it so easy.

Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE View Post
My MOH is acting weird. Every time I ask her about wedding stuff, her attitude is like "whatever". So I am going to give her some space. I know she is going - her trip is paid for, but whatever - she'll get over whatever her problem is.
Maybe she's just wedding'd out. She's probably not that into wedding planning as you and I. So maybe she just needs a little break from wedding stuff and talk and she'll be fine. I know my sis (moh) always says to me, "all you talk about is wedding stuff" so when she says that i stop talking about wedding stuff. Which is so hard to do! lol
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Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
Hi girls. I havent had a computer in a few days so i'm trying to catch up on posts now. You girls have been busy! I managed to get a pic of my dress yesterday. Unfortunately we are getting new hardwood floors in so fi moved all of our furniture into the room where our home computer is in. So i cant get to my computer so i can attach my camera to it (the wire is in there too). Boo on me! But i promise when the floors are in and we move back our furniture i will post the pic. I cant wait to show you girls!

I got my makeup done at the Laura Mercier counter this past weekend. I loved it. the girl did a great job. I hate wearing makeup, i always want to wash it off as soon as i get home. This makeup was different. I didnt even feel like i was wearing any foundation. It was great. I had my makeup done at 12 and it stayed on pretty well. And it didnt get cakey or gross. I bought a ton of stuff and it wasn't cheap but i thought it was well worth it. And now i'm going to start wearing makeup more. I only wear it for special occassions which is like 5 times a year lol.

Looks like you ordered a lot of stuff Celina. I love receiving packages in the mail, dont you girls? I received my starfish for my bouquet from Alyssa. its so purdy!

And Erica you got a crapload of diy projects done. I havent. I cant wait to get my computer at home back so i can get some stuff done.
Yay on the makeup! I hate that feeling of a face full of makeup. FI teases me that I am a crab unless I get stuff in the mail. I'll probably have withdrawls after the wedding! HA!

Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
Guys have it so easy. Maybe she's just wedding'd out. She's probably not that into wedding planning as you and I. So maybe she just needs a little break from wedding stuff and talk and she'll be fine. I know my sis (moh) always says to me, "all you talk about is wedding stuff" so when she says that i stop talking about wedding stuff. Which is so hard to do! lol
YES - I agree the men have it SO easy! No special undergarments, no hair, no make up to worry about. They suck!

FI and I got into a spat this morning over day passes. He was mad because I didn't tell him we were paying for 2 of my family members when he didn't bat an eye at paying for six of his family members. I swear he has selective memory. I feel like everything is on my shoulders as far as planning goes. He hasn't helped with ANY of the projects. Hopefully on Friday he can get going on some music.

I prefaced an e-mail yesterday to my BM's with, "I know all I talk about is wedding stuff and I apologize...BUT"

I think if others were in our shoes they would be as obsessed as we are!

OH guess what? .... I got a phone call from my travel agent saying he was quitting his job in 2 weeks!! He said he should have everything done with my wedding by then. I was like huh02.gif

Everything should be in order. He better not screw anything up! Or he'll get this smile105.gif
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Originally Posted by EricaG View Post
Things here are going great. My MOH went and got the guys pants for me yesterday since it is Bay Days and the sale ends tomorrow. I called her up and told her I had a MOH duty for her. She asked how much it was going to cost her this time. LOL!!! My Mom called her when the bubba kegs went on sale too! She gets paid back and she is really good about it. She is after all in the city.

I think I basically just have to test pack and finish the welcome books once I get everyones pics that I still need.
Sounds like your MOH rules! I can't believe that is all you have left to do. I'm jealous!

Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE View Post
Good morning Chicklets!

Tara I sent you the menu info. I hope it helps!

I am having part two of my final assembly party on Friday. My BM's are coming over and we are going to knock out the rest of the stuff I need to do. That will be a HUGE weight off my shoulders!

I scheduled our appointment for our legal day. We'll be getting hitched on Friday, October 31st at 11:30am! elefant.gif

I think that's about it on my side. I am going to look for a new bag for my dress this weekend so I can get that bag sent to you Tara.

How is everyone else doing?
Got the menu, thank you! I replied to your email rolleyes.gif

Yeay for your legal day! We'll need pictures, of course!

Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
I managed to get a pic of my dress yesterday.

I got my makeup done at the Laura Mercier counter this past weekend. I loved it. the girl did a great job. I hate wearing makeup, i always want to wash it off as soon as i get home. This makeup was different. I didnt even feel like i was wearing any foundation. It was great. I had my makeup done at 12 and it stayed on pretty well. And it didnt get cakey or gross. I bought a ton of stuff and it wasn't cheap but i thought it was well worth it. And now i'm going to start wearing makeup more. I only wear it for special occassions which is like 5 times a year lol.
Tease! Can't wait to see your dress!

And I'm glad you like Laura Mercier! I wear my eyeshadow and blush from there every day now. I love it!
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Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE View Post
YES - I agree the men have it SO easy! No special undergarments, no hair, no make up to worry about. They suck!

FI and I got into a spat this morning over day passes. He was mad because I didn't tell him we were paying for 2 of my family members when he didn't bat an eye at paying for six of his family members. I swear he has selective memory. I feel like everything is on my shoulders as far as planning goes. He hasn't helped with ANY of the projects. Hopefully on Friday he can get going on some music.

I prefaced an e-mail yesterday to my BM's with, "I know all I talk about is wedding stuff and I apologize...BUT"

I think if others were in our shoes they would be as obsessed as we are! You know they would be!

OH guess what? .... I got a phone call from my travel agent saying he was quitting his job in 2 weeks!! He said he should have everything done with my wedding by then. I was like huh02.gif

Everything should be in order. He better not screw anything up! Or he'll get this smile105.gif
OH crap about your TA. But at least he had the decency to call you and give you a heads up. I'm sure since he did let you know that he will take care of your stuff before he leaves. Dont worry!

your fi sounds like my fi, he has selective memory. especially when it comes to his family.

Oh and i forget to congrat you for setting a legal day date! Awesome!

Originally Posted by tvt View Post
Tease! Can't wait to see your dress!

And I'm glad you like Laura Mercier! I wear my eyeshadow and blush from there every day now. I love it!
Thank you for posting about your makeup trial. Your pics helped me make up my mind about choosing Laura. I really liked the makeup. I'm going to attempt to do a whole face of makeup this saturday as a trial run. I barely wear makeup and when i do it's very little so i have to reteach myself how to do eyeliner and all that good stuff i havent used since I was in college/hs!
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Hey girls.. just checking in!! :)


Tara I love the blue you used for your table cards etc.. they look awesome!


Amyrak.. your dress looks great on you!!


We found out that Jayson's dad is coming to the wedding after all, so I'm really relieved about that. I get my dress back on saturday, and Jayson's mom is going to sew the booby cups into it.. so I don't pay for more alterations. It was $189 dollars for the hem! Crikey.


My wedding shower is on sunday and I don't know what to wear yet! haha.. I'm really excited about it though. It's finally my turn to have one of these things.. :)


Other than that, I still have not done too much. I will probably go over all my OOT bag stuff this weekend to see if there's anything else I want to get before I pack it all up and send it FedEx to Maui.

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Lisa - I'm glad to hear that your FFIL will be able to make it after everything he has been going through. That is good news about the booby cups too. I can't believe it cost thatmuch for the hem!!


Danielle - Glad to hear that your make up trial went well. I am one that doesn't wear make up, but my sister did a good job for my BD pics, so she is doing it for the wedding too.

Looking forward to seeing your pics once the flooring is done!


Celina - That is exciting about booking your legal day! I still can't believe how long Larry & I have been legally married, although it doesn't really feel like it. Larry too has a selective memory with things. Sometimes it drives me crazy!!

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Oh yeah, I have the BD book all done and ready to order online, but I can't find my wallet!!! WTF!!! I will have to go rip the va apart now I guess, because I ripped our place apart already. I need the little security code off the back of the card!

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Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post

Thank you for posting about your makeup trial. Your pics helped me make up my mind about choosing Laura. I really liked the makeup. I'm going to attempt to do a whole face of makeup this saturday as a trial run. I barely wear makeup and when i do it's very little so i have to reteach myself how to do eyeliner and all that good stuff i havent used since I was in college/hs!
Ha, thanks! A tip that I figured out from my practicing... ha! I would look at myself in the mirrow and thing "yeah this is enough" but then I'd take a picture and it wasn't enough at all. So taking some pictures of my face in the process of applying the make up really helped me figure out how much to use and where. If anyone looked at my camera they might think I'm nutso!! ALl these pictures of my half make up'd face!

Originally Posted by Chiquita View Post
Hey girls.. just checking in!! :)

Tara I love the blue you used for your table cards etc.. they look awesome!

We found out that Jayson's dad is coming to the wedding after all, so I'm really relieved about that. I get my dress back on saturday, and Jayson's mom is going to sew the booby cups into it.. so I don't pay for more alterations. It was $189 dollars for the hem! Crikey.

My wedding shower is on sunday and I don't know what to wear yet! haha.. I'm really excited about it though. It's finally my turn to have one of these things.. :)
Thanks! I love the blue too!

That's so great about the cups. I can't believe ithey wanted 189 bucks for that!

And glad to hear that Jayson's dad can make it, that's great!
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