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I don't know if anyone remembers the issues we had with my fil's and booking flights. Well it's starting again!


Backstory: Fi and I picked 7 days for a wedding we chose to have everyone book tues to tues to fit our families vacay schedules (my mom and fi's parents work for school district so they had some of those days off already). Well anyway my nephew (derek's sister's son) will be 13 months old when we leave, he is the only child going now. So when flights started to come out there were no direct flights from tues to tues, so fsil started to freak out because she needed a direct flight for my nephew (her main concerns was that is was going to be a PITA to get on/off plane with all their stuff and she didn't want a long layover with her son). She and my fil's decided to switch their trip to Mon to Mon in order to get a direct flight. They decided that all of fi's family about 12 other people should switch to when they are going to and just my family would be their tues to tues. Well after fi flipped about them changing the days without asking us, we decided to have everyone that is going for 7 days to go Mon to Mon so they all can be on the same direct flight.


Fast forward to now: I get a phone call from TA. the direct flight from Mon to Mon has now been changed and isn't nonstop anymore. It goes like this:

Philly to Baltimore to Punta Cana- passengers have to stay on the plane it's a very short layover to just pick up some more passengers from Baltimore.


on the way back: Also layover in Baltimore but we have to go through customs in Baltimore so kind of a pain in the ass.


I was emailing fsil about something else and just let her know about the flight change. Well she flipped out! I tried to put a positive spin on it that it's a really short layovers and you dont' even get off the plane on the way their, and we'll be on the plane on the way back to help with all the baggage.


My spin did not help, this is what she emailed me back:

I don't want to have to put Keegan through 8 take off and landings not to mention all of the extra time on the plane.

I'm not worried about my bags or Joe and I. I just have to do what is best for Keegan.


So she talked to our TA doesn't seem like there's anything she can do. Our Ta will try to see if she can get her flight refunded and book her on another direct flight but it doesnt seem like the airline is going for it. I think fsil might consider canceling. Has anyone had a delay with a 1 yr old, is it that awful? How bad was takingoff/landing with the baby?


I'm not really freaking out about this yet. I have the mindset right now that it's out of my hands but i have a feeling they might not come if she cant get a direct flight.

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Hate to say it, but she sounds like she is just being bitchy. How long is this layover? I've been on ones like that before when the layover is like 20 minutes or something like that. Were some passengers get off and some get on, but most remain the same. It really isn't a big deal, even with a one year old. (Ok, I am not a mom, so maybe I am wrong, but that's my thoughts.)


Sorry she's being a punk, Danielle!

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I hope all this get worked out- which IT WILL, dont worry! You seem pretty calm about it so keep your cool!


I'm thinking she might just be panicing, ? I dont know her so I'm not sure. Is this her first baby, maybe she is just nervous and don't know what to expect. I'm so sorry, I dont know what to suggest. I really hope she dont cancel. Hopefully some mothers out there will be able to suggest some things they did on flights or girls who went through this might have a solution! I feel like the TA should be able to find SOMETHING?!

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We have taken Hailey on several flight before she was 2 years old. This will be her first trip we have to actually pay for her to go on. When she was 6 months old, we took her to Victoria which was about 90 mins. Then when she was 10 months old we went to the Dominican. It was about an 8 hour flight and we stopped in Puerto Plata on the way down and had to get off the plane for about 45 mins before getting back on to go to Punta Cana. On the way back it was non-stop.

Then we went to Disneyland when she was 18 months old and we flew from Edmonton, stopped in Calgary to pick more people up before flying to San Francisco where we had to switch planes to fly down to LA. Coming home we left LA and flew to Phoenix where we had an extended lay over due to a late plane, then stopped in Calgary to drop people off before coming home.

Then there was Cuba when she was 22 months and we stopped in Calgary to pick people up before the 6 hour flight and on the way back we stopped in Calgary again.


With all these trips she did great. The only time that she was ever really fussy was when we were first leaving Edmonton because it was a late night and early morning. I just give her a dose of Gravol and now she settles really well on the plane to have a nap. Once she has a sleep, she is fine and like to look out the window and visit with everyone else. The take off and landing never bothered her at all. Does your nephew have a soother still? When Hailey was younger I gave her that to suck on, but when we went to Disneyland and Cuba she didn't have it. Another option if she is worried about his ears is to give him a sippy cup to suck on! It really isn't that bad on the kids and I am sure that he will do great, especially if he has a bit of Gravol either just before the flight or if he is getting fussy on the flight.

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Originally Posted by carly View Post
Hate to say it, but she sounds like she is just being bitchy. How long is this layover? I've been on ones like that before when the layover is like 20 minutes or something like that. Were some passengers get off and some get on, but most remain the same. It really isn't a big deal, even with a one year old. (Ok, I am not a mom, so maybe I am wrong, but that's my thoughts.)

Sorry she's being a punk, Danielle!
It's about a half hour layover. I really didn't think it was a big deal but i'm not a mom either.
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Gravol can be used for a few different things. It's main use is for upset stomachs although it relaxes and calms a lot of people. I am one of those who relax and get sleepy if I take it. There a lot of people that take it if they are flying somewhere, and many who wll give their kids Gravol if they are flying or going on long trips in the car. Adults take pill form, but there is liquid form for kids. If you go to the pharmacy, they should be able to help you find it. Here it is behind the counter, but you don't need a prescription for it.


This will be the first time for Justin to fly, and us having 2 kids to take, so it could be fun, but I already have the Gravol packed in the travel bag!


Maybe find out from your FSIL what it is exactly that she is upset about. Then you can let her know about the Gravol and she may calm down more. Is he a good traveller in the car?

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