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I don't really think there should be a rule about how much one should spend. My FI and I had talked about marriage early on in our relationship and neither of us were in a hurry to get married. I initially thought I wanted a big huge ring and would joke about it, but when it actually came time to pick out a ring the big ones looked ridiculous on me. My main concern was that I had a say in the ring as it wasn't worth spending the money if it was going to be something I wouldn't wear. We did a lot of shopping and research and found a great deal on a loose stone, and then had my ring designed together months later. I am so happy with my ring and I rarely take it off. It also looks like it cost a lot more than it does and I get compliments on it all the time. I don't think you need to spend a fortune to get a beautiful ring. I think some people are in such a rush to get engaged or compete with their family and friends that they don't think rationally and spend way beyond what they can afford.

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I know exactly how much he spent for my ring because I basically picked it out. I gave him a list of the rings I liked and he picked out the one he liked best. Thankfully it was my favorite but I never let on that it was. I really did not want to know when he was gonna propose but he said the ring was something i was gonna have to wear for the rest of my life so I better like it. He did great and because of our smaller budget (I stay home with our 2 year old so we only have one income) I made sure I kept it reasonable then when he went to get it it was on sale for $550 which was awesome! The bad thing the matching band is more than the E ring..lol I was ok waiting on that so we could spend more money on our trip to Jamaica. The deal is I get it this year for our one year and he gets his golf membership..lol Thankfully it falls right around income tax time..lol

Here is my ring!

Click the image to open in full size.

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I don't think there should be a rule on it. The 3 months salary thing was put out by diamond and jewelry companies to make more money anyway, so it doesn't really mean too much, in my opinion. I personally would have been pissed if my FI had spent much more than he did on my ring- we don't need to go into debt to be engaged- its the thought that counts!!

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I am in agreement with everyone else on this topic. Going in debt to buy a ring is irresponsible and demanding an expensive ring is even worse.


Paul McCartney spent 18K on the engagement ring he purchased for his now ex-wife and he is a "sir".


People should purchase what they can comfortably afford and buy a ring that the woman can wear everyday. Whether that is $18,000 or $300 depends on the individual.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One thing I have noticed though, is that to compare the US vs. Canada, it seems like those in the US spend A LOT more on rings than Canadians. Not to say that every one does that, but just that I have noticed it. Different states too have different concepts of ring sizes. It seems geographical. I was in a bar one night and met a couple who just got married. And they were from the UK. She actually almost had a heart attack when she held up my hand to see my ring. (Which is not way big, maybe a little bigger than average). Hers was really really tiny, like I had not ever seen a ring like that. I of course told her it was beautiful (which it was) But she said that was how most rings are in the UK. They just do not spend tons of money on rings there vs. in North America. And they were the happiest couple ever, and I thought that was awesome.


Just thought it was interesting.

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IMO it doesn't matter how much it costs or how big it is...it is the marriage that counts, not the ring.


Of course, I am glad to have my ring :) I wouldn't want to part with it, but I told FI up front that I just want to be his wife, I don't need bling in order to say yes :)

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Yes, like everyone else, I would NEVER expect him to spend 2-3 months worth of hard-earned money on a piece of jewelry for me! Now, if I could only get that through his head! Like pretty much everyone else's response, I say buy what you can afford and don't go into debt for it. Really, it's what it symbolizes, not how big it is. One of my closest friend's ring was only about $200-300 and though small, she wouldn't trade it for anything!

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I don't even have an "engagement" ring. Brad had just been released from the hospital (we had decided to get married when we thought he had a heart attack....very long story short he has lupus) & we knew medical bills were coming. My wedding band is the only ring I have & couldn't be happier (as long as I have a healthy husband). Maybe some day I'll have a rock on my finger, but I'll take him over a stone any day. cheesy.gif

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