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Nov 08 brides


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Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
Celina, my closet is full of cute possible outfits for the shower.
everytime someone makes plans with me from now i'll me dressed to the max. lol I can see myself walking around Home Depot with fi next weekend with a dress and heels.

Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
Oh and feel free to steal the hairstyle. That would be really great if you can do it yourself. I'm awful at that kind of stuff and i have no patience to do my own hair. Let us know how ya make out with your hair trial.
I'll add it to my favorites for sure!

Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
Haha! I couldnt stay away. Oh and i just had signed off again and then talked to my TA so i had to tell you girls what she did. I adore my TA, not sure if i told you girls before, but she decided to do something special for me so she set up a private beach dinner for me and derek while were in Punta Cana. Isn't that the sweet?! It'll be the day before everyone gets in so it's perfect. I'm so happy now that made my day! I was going to set up a beach dinner myself but then decided not to since i've already gone above our budget so i'm really excited to get our beach dinner again!!!!
OMG that sounds SO romantical!!! How sweet of her to do that! Does FI know? That is SOOOO sweet!
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I have a lot of stuff around here that I want to do, have to do and yet I have done nothing except tend to the kids and talk on here. Oh my cousin that was supposed to be in the wedding is going to work on her hubby to see if either both of them can come or just her. We still have the one seat available until Mon, so she is going to let me know by Sun at the shower. I can't believe that that is going to be this weekend. I better get this place cleaned up so I have room to put stuff that Larry can look at when I get back!

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That would be Larry's response too. He doesn't understand why we are doing all the stuff we are doing already. I don't even tell him about the OOt bags and the welcome books and bubba kegs and stuff since he just doesn't get it! What he doesn't know won't bother him I figure! LMAO!!!

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Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
Celina, my closet is full of cute possible outfits for the shower.
everytime someone makes plans with me from now i'll me dressed to the max. lol I can see myself walking around Home Depot with fi next weekend with a dress and heels.
That is hilarious and totally something I would do, or at least be driving around with an emergency shower bag in my car with dress, shoes, makeup, etc. to do a quick change!

Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
Haha! I couldnt stay away. Oh and i just had signed off again and then talked to my TA so i had to tell you girls what she did. I adore my TA, not sure if i told you girls before, but she decided to do something special for me so she set up a private beach dinner for me and derek while were in Punta Cana. Isn't that the sweet?! It'll be the day before everyone gets in so it's perfect. I'm so happy now that made my day! I was going to set up a beach dinner myself but then decided not to since i've already gone above our budget so i'm really excited to get our beach dinner again!!!!
That is so sweet!

Originally Posted by amyrak View Post
I was on the ball early on and got the first aid kids from Target, tropical chapstick with SPF from the dollar tree, pinata pens, flip flop sticky notes, playing cards..that is what is in most of my OOT Bags. Oh and I got a great deal on sunblock so that too. I'm sure I will pick up some last minute things as it gets closer. Oh, I also have like advil, immodium,rolaids. Anything I'm missing??

Oh also girls...my dress isn't even in yet..should I be worried?? Or they haven't even called either..haha I called awhile back and they said 2nd week in Aug. Hmmm...seeing as it's 2nd week in Sept maybe I should call again. Do you guys all have your dresses??
Ha ha! I got the tropical chap stick from Dollar Tree too! I have that, advil and immodium packets, Bath & Body Works travel size lotion, pen (just regular although a maraca pen would have been cute!), Suduku book, cards (regular), and I ordered cups (the same ones Tara got, the color change ones, but I split the order with some other Riviera Maya girls so they just say Riviera Maya Mexico on them with a palm tree and starfish, so not personalized, but that's OK). I need to do the welcome letters and itineraries to put in the bags and make tags. I plan on getting post cards, snacks and bottled water in Mexico and will probably throw in some excursion pamphlets once we get there. I thought about getting sunscreen, but then changed my mind. I got some beach toys for the bags that will be going to the rooms with kids and I might throw in some other Mexico related souvenier items. I think that should be good.

You should definitely call about your dress. The bridal shop called about my dress right away, but then I had to call about my headpiece. It was in, but they never called to tell me. I still need to go pick that up. I just can't get with it lately. I have so much wedding stuff to do, but work keeps getting in the way! I did start working on my seating chart last night. I have two versions and not really sure I like either one.

I also found out United doesn't charge for checked luggage on international flights so Mike and I can each check 2 bags up to 50 lbs for FREE! I was so happy. I think we can get away with 4 bags. My TA also said my gown is going to count as a carry on so now we have an extra carryon. Luckily, my dad, step mom and little sis and bro are on the same flight as us. One of the kids is going to have to be my wedding mule and take one of our carryons as theirs. Ha ha! They are only 6 and 3 so it's not like they need to bring anything except a little bag with toys on the plane.
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To make a long story short, 2 of our wedding guests will be flying together from Toronto although one lives here in Alberta (the one having the shower this weekend for me) and the other one lives in BC. They will be flying WestJet and are allowed 2 checked bags each weighing up to 50lbs, so that is a total of 100lbs each of them can check!!! Needless to say, I believe that we are getting even more wedding room in Terri's bag than she offered up before. I believe she is now offering us a whole suitcase that she can take down for us if we need her too! My dress is a free carryon as well, and if needed, we can also take a diaper bag on for free for Justin, although I'm not going to if we don't need to, since we will be really loaded up then - us, 2 kids, 3 carry-ons, dress, diaper bag, plus stroller which we can take to the plane door, checked luggage will include 3 large suitcases, playpen, and sporting goods bag.

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Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
Terri is a real sweetheart for giving up luggage space or a whole suitcase.

Have you girls test packed yet? I havent tried packng anything yet
The ony thing I test packed was the carryon suitcase for our candle holders. I was hoping to fit more in that suitcase, but it didn't happen. I also have one large suitcase filled with half of our OOT bags, coloring books and crayons for the kids at the reception, the OOT bag filler items, and I forget what else. I still have some room in there so I think I will put the cups in there and whatever else fits. It didn't feel too heavy since everything in there is pretty light. I'll need to put the other half of the bags in another large suitcase. I haven't packed any clothes yet. My TA suggested packing the clothes suitcases with half my stuff and half of Mike's stuff so if for some reason one of the suitcases gets lost we'll both have clothese. I have never done that, but thought that was a really good idea. Knowing my luck it will be half the wedding stuff that gets lost! I probably just jinxed myself.
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