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Need some quick advise about ceremony location!

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Sorry, this is a long vent but I need your input ASAP.


I scheduled my wedding ceremony at Riu's gazebo which overlooks the ocean and has an amazing view back in Jan. From the beginning, I confirmed that my guest count had changed and I wanted to check whether that affected the ceremony location or not. The WC there at the time responded months ago that the gazebo location can accomodate up to 40 guests and if not, the beach was another option for more than 40 guests.


Well, my guest count has been finalized to 39 and my new WC (she's been helping me the last 3 months) decides to tell me on Thursday that the gazebo area can only hold up to 32 chairs and she does not recommend getting married there with the number of guests I have. She said it would not look nice because the chairs would be tightly fitted, the guests would be sitting very close to eachother. She didn't mention anything about the aisle being smaller, but I'm imagining that would be a factor, too. What gets me is that she brings this up to me 2 weeks before the wedding after she has known for months the number of guests I was having!! She suggested I have the ceremony at the beach. But, I DON'T want to get married there. If that was the case, my shoes, dress, decor would all be different. I have invisioned my entire ceremony at this specific terrace under this beautiful white gazebo overlooking the ocean. I have had a picture of the terrace's view saved on my desktop for a year now!! My FI and I went to that hotel last year even before we were engaged and I knew if I were to have a destination wedding, it would be at that specific spot!! So, for a year now I have been looking at that pic and I don't want to change it!!


So what should I do? Should I change the location to the beach where I don't want it or should I keep it at the gazebo where the guests may not be as comfortable and according to the WC, may not look as nice frown.gif?

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hey...wow i feel really bad i would be upset too that id be dreaming and picturing this perfect spot for so long!! but maybe try figure out if the aisle will be too small if they still use the original location....if it is not possible to use that location and have it look nice I would say dont get too upset, have you wedding on the beach and I am so sure it will still turn out to be everything you have ever imagined and more :o) dont stress too much (I know its easy for me to say) because this is your big day and it only happens once so enjoy it! As long as your FI is there and all your guests I am so sure you will be happy no matter where your location is :o)

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Have it at the gazebo. It won't look any different if the chairs are right next to each other versus 2 inches apart. And in the photos, you won't even notice


As to the comfort thing, let's be honest... the ceremony will last all of 20 minutes. If your guests are shoulder to shoulder it won't make any difference. Also, 2 or 3 of them will be chasing after a kid, and another 2 or 3 will have stepped out of the seats to take some snapshots. It will be fine.


And tell your WC to get a clue... 2 weeks before hand and she throws this at you? Please.

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I too agree with Becks. If this was your dream & this is your vision, then keep it as you have it. 20 minutes is going to fly by & you're guests will be fine!

I'm sure that adjustments can be made somehow.

Tell your WC to leave you alone & stop stressing you out with 2 weeks to go because you're getting married at the gazebo!!!

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Totally agree with everyone. If this is your dream location, then keep it! Tell them to figure out how to make it work because that's where you want to get married. I'm sure they'll accommodate it if the old WC said that it could hold 40 people.

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Originally Posted by becks View Post
Have it at the gazebo. It won't look any different if the chairs are right next to each other versus 2 inches apart. And in the photos, you won't even notice

As to the comfort thing, let's be honest... the ceremony will last all of 20 minutes. If your guests are shoulder to shoulder it won't make any difference. Also, 2 or 3 of them will be chasing after a kid, and another 2 or 3 will have stepped out of the seats to take some snapshots. It will be fine.

And tell your WC to get a clue... 2 weeks before hand and she throws this at you? Please.
This is exactly what I was thinking. The ceremony is not that long anyway, I think your guests will be fine... so that you can have exactly what you've been dreaming of.
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