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What was your wedding dream as a little girl?


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I was wondering...what was your wedding dream when you were a little girl? Some girls dream of the big wedding with the horse and carriage....some dream of the beach.


I used to wrap a towel on my head and pretend it was my veil. LOL! I also had a doll that looked like this.


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When I was like 8 I used to dream that I would one day wear a big ol dress and a big gigantosaurus veil like the doll. The funny thing is, 28 years later...YUP ~ I am wearing a veil and flower in my hair just like the doll. LOL!

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I wanted to get married in my grandma's church (which I did just not the same one I went to when I was little) and have the reception at my other grandparents country club, and I wanted both my parents to walk me down the aisle because that's what my mom did (I did have both my parents walk me down the aisle).

Otherwise I wanted my best friend to make the cake and my mom to make the dress...best friend did make the cake but my mom did not make the dress...so I got about half my child hood dreams.

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Ha, my dream was to NEVER get married and NEVER have kids. I wanted no part of any of it. My how things change. I'm so excited to have found someone I can't imagine NOT marrying and we are excited to have a child someday as well. When I was a kid I wanted a great job, my own house and a dog. No husband. lol

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I always wanted a huge wedding with a grand wedding dress where the train would be so long you could barely walk. I always wanted all the other girls to be jealous of the wedding.


Then I met my FH and things all changed....I then wanted a small DW with just a few people and a romantic evening under the stars

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Well, when I was really little, I wanted the Steel Magnolia wedding...My colors would have been blush and bashful because pink is (still) my signature color! LOL


I actually had about 5 weddings planned, all dependant upon the groom and his personality, by the time I was 18.


I really wanted a Southern Living style wedding on a family estate, too bad neither myself or DH have a family estate!


So, the beach was our best option!

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Did not think about it as a little girl. Actually, we were one of the last couples to get engaged and married out of most of our friends and all I knew is that I did not want a traditional wedding like most of the ones we had been to. When FI (at the time:) actually started talking about it, we both decided on a destination wedding. I always thought it to be interesting how some people had pictured very specific details of their wedding since childhood :)

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I have always wanted a beach wedding. Even when I was little I used to tell my mom I was going to get married in Fiji!


I think it may stem from an episode of Melrose Place when Peter and Amanda got married on a beach in cute casual outfits.

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