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Nov 08 brides


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LOL - US TOO! It will be 8th grade all over again! LOL. None of this going on....smile72.gif Hehe!


I forgot to tell you guys...I had 3 orders come in yesterday:


1. Custom M&M's - Last week I ordered some teal/turquoise and cream colored M&M's for our palm tree favor boxes. One said Celina & Shawn and one said 11-8-08. Our UPS guy showed up yesterday with my goodies. So I go in the house excited to see my name on chocolate. I opened the box and the bags looked all wet. There was an ice pack in the packing and I assumed the bags got wet from it, however; when I got everything out I looked at the four rather small bags and it wasn 't the outside as much as it looked like the inside of the bags that were wet!


The writing had rubbed off and they looked horrible! I was totally grossed out! SO I immediately called the M&M people and told them that they were all messed up. The guy on the phone was really nice and he said he would send me out 4 new bags. He said it was condensation. I told him I had never seen anything like this - he said not to worry, sometimes something goes bad in the process and they would send me some new ones.


When I hung up from him I opened the bag and poured an entire bag onto a paper plate. The M&M's weren't wet - they were oiley! YES - they felt like they were tossed in vegetable oil! It was SO GROSS! I was so bummed I called FI at work and told him about it. I left the candy on the plate and left it on the counter with the bags for FI to see when he got home from work.


When he came in this morning he said, "So what's wrong with the M&M's - they look fine to me. Some of the letters are rubbed off - but they aren't too bad." (Little does he know I spent nearly $50 for 4 bags of M&M's - for that price - I want perfection damn it!!)


So when I went downstairs to make daughters lunch, they weren't oily any more, but they didn't look shiny like regular M&M's do. I don't know what happened, but we'll see when the new order comes.


SO - the M&M people get an A+ for customer service and an F for shipping charges. It cost me $13 to ship four small ass bags of M&M's! If the next ones come back messed up - I am cancelling my order and will just buy plain ones. After thinking about it - I may just cancel my order. I'm still thinking about it. After looking at them...I don't even think I can eat M&M's ever again.


2. Old Navy Clothes - My neighbor actually accepted my first package from Old Navy and kept my clothes. UPS tried to get her to give back the box but she denies having it - even though the UPS driver said he gave the box to a man at the address - I am assuming her husband.


It's been almost a month since I placed the order and upon arrival, clothes fit and I finally got an aqua tank to use my "just married" iron on. Old Navy gets an A for sending me my clothes within a reasonable amount of time.


3. - Wrap With Us - I ordered a small white satin flowergirl basket with pearl handles for $7.99 - six pewter palm trees to hold table numbers for $1.99 each, and a rhinestone bridesmaid iron on for $3.99 for my other BM shirt. All were what I expected and Wrap With Us gets an A+ for on-time quick delivery and reasonable shipping.

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Originally Posted by ethrondson View Post
Oh yeah, I got some BD teasers today. Here is the link
Your pics turned out great!

Originally Posted by Chiquita View Post
My weekend kinda sucked. Jayson's father had a massive heart attack (he's okay in hospital though) and while he's waiting for surgery, he also found out he has bladder cancer. Needless to say, it's pretty positive he won't be coming to Hawaii now.
I hope everything turns out OK for Jayson's dad. How horrible. Hopefully, you can figure something out so you can have a ceremony that he can be a part of since he can't come to Hawaii.

Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE View Post
Hey Danielle - there's now 100 pages on this thread! smile159.gif

Does that make us....pw.jpg ?
I'm sure a few pages are just from me when I was posting all my pics. Plus, I type how I talk which is a lot!

Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE View Post
I forgot to tell you guys...I had 3 orders come in yesterday:
I'm glad you got all your orders this time and your neighbors didn't steal them. That is weird about the M&Ms. I was thinking about ordering them, but I was afraid they would melt on the way to Mexico. Plus, they were a bit pricey for something I didn't really need.
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Oh God Michelle....DON'T REMIND ME!! fryingpan.gifI am seriously thinking of cancelling my order.


Well - probably TMI - but since we have all grown so close here blush2.gif


I just called my OBGYN to see what I can do to keep Mother Nature at bay during the wedding and honeymoon.


I am anxiously waiting for their call. pinkie.gif

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I was thinking about how cool it is that we are now on page 100!!! pw.jpg


That is too bad about your M&M's. I was thinking about gettig them too, but decided I didn't want to haul chocolate down there, and have a melted, distorted mess from the climate change, so I didn't order them. That is also why we made the seashells for the cake out of fondant, so they won't melt. After all, here I am up in Alberta, end of Nov, and flying down to hot Dominican. There will be a huge temp difference, and not sure how well chocolate will adapt! LOL


I am thinking of maybe going on the pill for a few months, just to regulate when I get my period. I am probably getting an IUD in a couple weeks when my Dr gets back from holidays, and I will ask him then.


Lisa - I am soooo very sorry to hear about your FIL. If you want to do the legal ceremony in Hawaii, could you maybe check into having the symbolic ceremony here? Could you wait until after you get back to do it? Or do you want to do it for your FIL first?


As for the first dance, the only type of dancing Larry does is 2-step, and he is good at that, although he doesn't do the spins cause that messes him up. I don't think we will have a 2-stepping song for our first dance, so we will probably do the grade 8 slow dance too. LMAO! I remember that, the girls arms over his shoulders, and his hands low on her waist....eventually ending up on her butt if he was brave enough to try!!! LMAO!!!! We are going to do a father-daughter dance too, but my dad gets off the hook, cause we will do it with our kids. I will dance with Justin and Larry will dance with Hailey!

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Yay 100 pages!! Woot!!


Celina your M&M's sound really weird! I wonder why that happened? Hopefully the new batch is better.. and what's up with thieving neighbours? Crikey


I'm sure I have to respond to other stuff but I'll come back after work when I can be more thorough.. heh

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Originally Posted by ethrondson View Post
I was thinking about how cool it is that we are now on page 100!!! pw.jpg

That is too bad about your M&M's. I was thinking about gettig them too, but decided I didn't want to haul chocolate down there, and have a melted, distorted mess from the climate change, so I didn't order them.

I am thinking of maybe going on the pill for a few months, just to regulate when I get my period. I am probably getting an IUD in a couple weeks when my Dr gets back from holidays, and I will ask him then.

As for the first dance, the only type of dancing Larry does is 2-step, and he is good at that, although he doesn't do the spins cause that messes him up. I don't think we will have a 2-stepping song for our first dance, so we will probably do the grade 8 slow dance too. LMAO! I remember that, the girls arms over his shoulders, and his hands low on her waist....eventually ending up on her butt if he was brave enough to try!!! LMAO!!!! We are going to do a father-daughter dance too, but my dad gets off the hook, cause we will do it with our kids. I will dance with Justin and Larry will dance with Hailey!

Yeah - I hope unopened and in a carryon they won't be too bad. I CAN carry them on if they are unopened right?? I called and they said I couldn't cancel my order because they already put the request in for the new ones. If I wanted to cancel, my choice to do that was last night when I got them. Oh well.

Awww...that dance is too sweet Erica! I used to date a guy who was a great dancer. He was a great 2 stepper too! I used to love to dance with him. I swear - we would go out 3 nights a week. However; that was the only thing he was good at! Outside of being a good dancer, he was an abusive two timer-two stepping jerk!!

I'll take 8th grade shuffle and sway over that any day. love.gif
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