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Originally Posted by lucy106 View Post
Danielle, I love your BM dresses! and your shower dress is adorable too!! That color is gorgeous!! That rocks you got your vacum!! The little things in life that make us happy, ha!!

Jessica, what a cutie pie your daughter is!!

Ladycheese, welcome back! Glad you found a moment to check in. Isnt it crazy how time flies?

Lets talk placecards...I wasnt going to do a seating chart but then I read about if you dont people will feel lost and some will start draggin chairs whereever they want to sit, yikes!! So now I am going to do one. What are you all using for placecards?
Thanks, my little girl is growing up fast. BTW hope your back feels better soon!!

My seating chart is done, FI did it in less than 30mins...I was surprised! At first, I was going to do the starfish placecards but the whole smell turned me off...then when i washed them and put them out in the sun to dry...I, um, left them out too long and they really dried up and they looked really bad. So instead of ordering more I decided to scrap the whole idea. Instead I went to michaels and purchased their printable placecards, i'm going to glue little blue flowers on the corners and put a lil bling in the middle of each flower. maybe I'll try making one tomorrow and post a pic for feedback.

Well I gotta go get some stuff for my daughter's bday party...hope you ladies have a great Saturday!! tyyl
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OMG - you guys have been busy! Ill tell you where I've been injust a sec....


Steph - I hope you are feeling okay and everything went well with your injections.


Tara - LOVe the earrings!


Danielle - LOVE the BM Dresses - LOVE the color! Also love the topper! It came out cute! Try a 3 fold brochure from Vistaprint for your welcome bag.


Michelle - YAY on your surprise shower! How exciting! I got the pic for my OOT bag tie from Vistaprint.


Jessica - Nice to have you back! Your daughter is gorgeous!


Opice - You are kicking butt on the workouts! Keep it up and keep the rest of us slackers motivated!


Well - on Tuesday I took my son into the doctor and it turned into a HUGE ordeal! He wasn't feeling well and was breathing really heavy and fast. After several hours in his doctors office, and 3 nebulizer treatments they sent us to the emergency room. He had another neb treatment and they gave him some chest xrays and figured out he has asthma. They admitted him and had him on oxygen and neb treatments every 4 hours. KIM I was at the hospital alone. FI was at home and Daughter was at school. I had no cell phone and the only call I gave to FI was when we checked into the ER. It was a lot to take in at once. Thank God FI's best friend and wife work at the hosp and were able to come down and check on us so they kept FI informed. One of my neighbors brought FI and daughter down. It was all so overwhelming.


Now my poor little guy is on a steroid and the inhaler med makes him jittery and the steroid makes him moody. We have had our hands full! Imagine your worst 2 year old - whiney, bratty and muliply that times two. That's the kid we have on our hands. Fortunately he will only be on the meds till Thursday. He gets the nebulizer every 4 hours though. It has been a heck of a week to say the least! OH - to top it off - I got two parking tickets while at the hospital.


I also ordered some clothes on line from Old Navy to wear in Mexico and UPS gave them to my crackhead/gangster neighbor and of course they said they didn't get a package. Old Navy is re-sending minus one of the tops because it is now out of stock. It's just the thought!


UGH! Send some good vibes my way...we really need it!


Gotta go! I'll try to check in later!


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Celina i'm sorry that your son was so sick. Hopefully the medicine will help him get better soon.


How was everyone's weekend?


Fi and i went to go see Tropic Thunder, it's a stupid funny movie, i liked it. But i love Ben Stiller no matter how bad the movie is, he always cracks me up. We also went looking at paint and carpet samples for the living and family rooms.

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Thanks guys for all the well wishes for my son. He is doing better now and we are counting down the days till we can stop with the meds because they make my sweetie pie turn into a little monster! Thursday can't come fast enough!


I cleaned the house all weekend. Put toys away, cleaned my kitchen chairs and decided to put a floor scrubber on my registry because I hate cleaning my kitchen floor!


Last night I decided to take the ribbons off my program fans because they are going to get smashed in suitcases. We'll have to tie the ribbons on when we get there. I also tried to finish assembling the rest of the fans. I also started sorting wedding stuff. I put all the BM gifts in their gift bags and started tearing out pages from my bridal magazines to make sure I have included all of the stuff I need.


I also think I am going to make some labels for mini candy bars for my AHR. I figure mini chocolate bars will be on sale for Halloween so it shouldn't cost a ton. Now I just have to find a template for the labels.


I also am having second thoughts on my centerpieces. I think I need to add a little bit more on the tables. We were just going to do white roses, cala lillies and filler in a blumebox vase. Now I think we need to add a table runner or some candles because the tables are rectangular and there will just end up being one bunch of flowers on the table.


SEATING - Steph, you asked about seating charts - I am SO DOWN for a seating chart! You don't want people to just sit anywhere. I had a bad experience with that once and don't want it to happen again.

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I second, the hating to clean my kitchen floor! I registered for one of the steam mops, hoping that will be easier.


I think table runners always look nice.


Celina are you giving out the bm gifts before you leave. I would love to put my bm gift bags together and get them out of my house. When are you girls giving out your attendant gifts?

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Yeah - I may look at Joanne's and see if I can find a pretty fabric and just have my Stepmom sew me up some table runners. We can also use them at our AHR when we get back.


I think I am going to give them to them on the Sunday before we leave. We are going to go to brunch and will be doing mani and pedi's afterwards, so I will probably give them to them at brunch.


I am also making an OOT bag for my older sister who isn't able to make it. She is listed as an "Honorary Bridesmaid" on our program. It is too much stuff to take with us. I just went to the dollar store and found some pretty floral gift bags that were all different shades of teal/turquoise and am giving them their stuff in those.


I am also going to give them their earrings and necklaces but not until the rehearsal dinner. I bought them each a starfish necklace. I am still trying to find earrings but haven't found anything. I was thinking of chancing it and waiting till we got to Mexico to buy their earrings.

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