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Sunset at the Palms-No response

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I have been trying to get wedding information from Sunset at the Palms in Negril for 4 weeks now and I have not received a single response from them. I have sent 3 emails. I know they may be busy, but an email acknowledging that they received my requests would be nice. I hope this is not an indication of the services they would provide. Should I just call them? Can someone send me the wedding info if they have it?



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I would definitly call them. I am not getting married at the same place as you but I did have the same issue at first. Then I emailed the Resort itself, then I called and finally my WC emailed me. Now she emails me within 2 days about any questions I have. It is so frustrating when they don't at least acknowledge you but I think you will feel better if you call!

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  • 4 months later...
Originally Posted by Myda77 View Post
I have been trying to get wedding information from Sunset at the Palms in Negril for 4 weeks now and I have not received a single response from them. I have sent 3 emails. I know they may be busy, but an email acknowledging that they received my requests would be nice. I hope this is not an indication of the services they would provide. Should I just call them? Can someone send me the wedding info if they have it?

I have the same problem - No response from Charm yet - however, on the reviews from Tripadvisor.com, they say this is common, but once you do get in contact with you, everything goes smooth. Since this post is a few months old, how did everything work out? Have you gotten in touch with her?

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I'm getting married there in november. I haven't dealt with Charm to much since I booked the date with her. My travel agent asked for a confirmation so I called Charm to send me a letter that the date was confirmed and she sent it within 2 hours. If there is something you need immediately from Charm, I suggest you call her directly instead of emailing her. She has responded to a few emails I sent within the past few months but I find that when I call she is willing to help. I just called 2 weeks ago to change the time and I spoke with her assistant Roxanne. luv2love just got married there in May and she said Roxanne and Charm will take care of you when you get there. She had a fabulous wedding. If there is anything I can help you with just PM me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Keep the faith!! I am getting married at SATP Feb 2, 2009! Hopefully I can answer many of your questions/concerns.

I actually found a bride who recently held here wedding there (found her through TripAdvisor.com), and she and I have been emailing for a few months. She has answered tons of questions for me, and has shared her experience with SATP -- which she said was truly amazing! My first question was "what is up with Charrm (SATP wedding coordinator) and why doesn't she respond to my emails?" She said Charm will respond, but you sometimes need to remind her (the squeaky wheel gets the grease!). She also said that because this is getting to be a popular place for weddings, they tend to not communicate as regularaly with you until closer to the wedding.


I have pages of notes about this other bride's SATP wedding -- she has even sent pictures. I had so many questions (and concerns) before actaully putting money down to confirm our date, but now I am totally excited about this wedding. I'm happy to share my information with you!!!



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Oh mi goodness, that would be awesome!!!! I have seen pictures on tripadvisor (i love tripadvisor) and asked a few questions, some people respond others don't. I;d love some info and tips though!! People are starting to ask questions about the ceremony and I want to get invitations made, but i need a date and to know the options available, etc.



([email protected])

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Yes -- TripAdvisor is awesome! That's where we found SATP in the first place.

Hyla -- I will email you. I can send some paperwork/wedding info that they've sent me, and I'll pass on what I know.

I guess I could post the same info here, but I'll wait for someone to ask specific questions - I don't want to the dominate this thread with enormous postings.


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