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Originally Posted by SgtPepperette View Post
I can relate to what your say, completely! Im going to pick up that book. Ive started reading a book by a local doctor here.

Dr. David Brownstein, Overcoming Thyroid Disorders. I just picked this up so havent been able to get into the guts of the book. But so far it looks promising on some things I can try to help ease my current symptoms.

Its comforting to hear Im not the only one going through this!
I agree, it's nice to know you're not alone in this! Today was an especially rotten day because I have a sore throat and ear ache (I think I've been battling a cold for the past week or so). shitfan.gif I didn't get out of my pajamas until 7pm! I slept til 11 and then took a nap from 3:30-5:30 (even after taking Sudafed, which usually makes me nuts!). It seems like the fatigue will never end, and it's hard because my FI doesn't fully grasp what's going on. He hears what I tell him, but I think it's difficult for him to imagine me being so ill. I feel bad for him because I really have not been myself for the past year. Being sick so much has made me cranky, irritable and depressed. I really miss my old self, and I know those around me do too. sad.gif

On a bright note, my Grandma said that she spoke with my Aunt about what's been going on with me. It turns out that my Aunt's good friend/neighbor just graduated with a degree in Nutrition with a special emphasis on dealing with thyroid conditions through nutrition! She asked for the name of the book I am reading, and they are going to put us in touch. Hopefully she will be of some help - I'll let you know what I find out!

Originally Posted by Mandy View Post
Wow, sorry! What a rookie mistake! I saw the month and day, but failed to look at the year. Thanks for pointing this out!
lol, no problem wink.gif
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My doc put me on Levexoy...?? can't remember the name. He knew I was trying to lose weight for the wedding and said my thyroid numbers were a lil low but not bad. He told me to try it to see if it helped. He also gave Phentermine for a appetite suppressant. I'm down 27 lbs since I started it in April...though with exercise 2 days a week and watching my food intake also. I need to up my exercise though to more days.

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Check out this doctor's website:


Dr Marina Johnson - Institute of Endocrinology and Preventive Medicine


I was searching the web for information on Hypothyroidism and came across this doctor, located in Irving, Texas. She is an M.D., Board Certified in Endocrinology & Metabolism and Internal Medicine, however she prefers to use natural methods (diet, exercise, supplements, herbs, etc.) before pharmaceutical ones.


"If a problem can be treated with nutrition or supplements or herbs, I will generally opt for that approach first because the safety profile is better. If there is a hormone deficiency or excess, of course I will address that as well and correct the hormone imbalance. However, if the problem is severe or the natural therapies are not effective, then we go to stronger pharmaceutical prescription drugs. To me this is just common sense. Why would you want to use an elephant gun to kill a mosquito? Conversely, if the patient is having a heart attack, youâ€re not going to treat them with vitamins! You always want to temper your therapy to the severity of the problem." - Dr. Marina Johnson
She does extensive testing (hormones, neurotransmitters, digestive tract function, body mineral levels, screening for heavy metals, liver detoxification function, and blood levels of antioxidants & vitamins) as well as a thorough personal history investigation, etc. to determine the root of the problems.


Medical Director, Marina Johnson, M.D., F.A.C.E. is a UCLA/USC trained graduate and is board-certified in internal medicine, endocrinology and anti-aging medicine. She attends many continuing education programs both in mainstream endocrinology and in natural medicine. Dr. Johnson specializes in bioidentical hormone replacement for women and men.

She believes in the judicious use of growth hormone for patients who demonstrate deficiency on diagnostic testing. Whenever possible, the goal is to first restore normal hormone function of the body. If however, the body is unable to provide adequate levels, then therapy is indicated.


IEPM is an exclusive fee-for-service medical practice. We do not belong to any managed care insurance plans and we cater to an upscale clientele. Our patients are sophisticated health consumers with high expectations who recognize the value of this type of medical care. IEPM provides a medical setting where the patient can receive innovative and scientifically-based solutions for health problems; compassionate, personalized care; and patient advocacy and education in an elegant, comfortable setting

From the sounds of it she is expensive but extremely thorough.
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Jamie, she sounds like a doctor I tried to get into here. But there was a year long wait list. I think its worth the money, since they really get to the root cause. The doctor I was looking into, you would only need 2-3 visits, and than once a year to maintain.


I have felt like complete crap. So exhausted all I can do is come home and take a 2-3 hour nap. Like last night I got 8 hours of sleep, went to a meeting, and just got home and took a 2 hour nap. I could of probably slept till morning. I did that the other day. Got roughly 9 hours of sleep the night before, came home and laid down around 7:30pm, and didnt wake up till 6am the next morning.




Hypothyroidism is taking over my body.

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Originally Posted by SgtPepperette View Post
Jamie, she sounds like a doctor I tried to get into here. But there was a year long wait list. I think its worth the money, since they really get to the root cause. The doctor I was looking into, you would only need 2-3 visits, and than once a year to maintain.

I have felt like complete crap. So exhausted all I can do is come home and take a 2-3 hour nap. Like last night I got 8 hours of sleep, went to a meeting, and just got home and took a 2 hour nap. I could of probably slept till morning. I did that the other day. Got roughly 9 hours of sleep the night before, came home and laid down around 7:30pm, and didnt wake up till 6am the next morning.


Hypothyroidism is taking over my body.
I am filling out her patient request form online and here are her prices (ouch!):
New patient labs is $3052.00 and this includes a total of 23 laboratory tests. Dr. Johnson’s hourly fee is $450. The typical new patient consultation usually takes two hours but occasionally takes longer depending on the complexity of the patient.

So, I'd be looking at about $4k upfront. I think like the doc you were looking into you'd go about 2-3 times at first, then 6 months, then 1x/yr.

I am so sorry to hear you've been having a rough time. I totally understand. Last night I had to stay home from work and my friend just came over and hung out with me on the couch. That's been the majority of my weekend nights lately... I came up here (to my room) earlier to try and do some hw (I've fallen so far behind in school) but I couldn't stop thinking about how awful I feel, so I've been in tears most of the afternoon. That's why I started doing research on the internet looking for a doc. I feel that I at least need a diagnosis, then I can move onto treating this cr@p.

What meds are you on, again? Has that book that you are reading helped at all?
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Woah Jamie, 4k.


The book Im reading by Dr. Brownstein, that ironically I just picked up to read after I posted that message, is good info. I just found out he had a lecture here last month, I wish I knew about that and I would of went! He is not accepting new patients at this time. I thought he was expensive but much cheaper than the doctor your referring to. Last time I called on prices, it was $325-$400 for the initial visit, and than $85 doctor visits after that. The bloodwork is covered by a company I believe my insurance accepts so that would be okay. BUt than the supplements he recommends are cheapest bought in his office. He has two other doctors in his office that I could go to, but if Im paying the money I really would prefer him.


Im on synthroid right now. And was on cymotel with that, but my endo doc stopped those meds because she didnt think they were doing anything. But I defintely feel more crappy off the cymotel. But she thinks its in my head.


I think I shall continue some more of my own internet searching as well.

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Originally Posted by SgtPepperette View Post

Im on synthroid right now. And was on cymotel with that, but my endo doc stopped those meds because she didnt think they were doing anything. But I defintely feel more crappy off the cymotel. But she thinks its in my head.
"For several reasons, including deficiency of zinc, copper, selenium, or iron, and excess cortisol (the adrenal stress hormone), many people can’t efficiently convert T4 to T3. For such a person, taking Synthroid, Levoxyl, or Unithroid will not likely result in improvement, as the body cannot convert synthetic T4 to T3 any better than it can convert its own natural T4 to T3. Unfortunately, in this situation, the blood tests that doctors routinely use to check thyroid status may be normal, which could cause a physician to miss the diagnosis. The patient all too often ends up with the symptoms of hypothyroidism and the doctor’s bill."
Medical Treatment of Hypothyroidism :: Asheville Alternative Medicine | Great Smokies Medical Center Blog Archive
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Originally Posted by JaimeLynne View Post
From what I've read Synthroid is definitely not for everyone. A lot of docs will only prescribe that, which is a problem for me. Check out this list: Thyroid Disease Top Doctors Directory -- Best Practitioners for Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism & More
We must be on the same wave length tonight, I was just googling the doctors I found on that list for my state. :)

I actually found a doctor an hour away that practices holistic along with traditional. He has an first visit fee, but than my insurance would cover the rest. This doctor also has a thyroid disease himself.

My problem with my current endo doc, is she keeps just changing the dosage of synthroid. I try to explain my symptoms to her, and how crappier I feel, and she blows me off. And when her teaching assistant wanted to try me on armour she was completely against it. The TA talked her into putting me on cymotel which is a T3 med, and I could defintely feel a difference on both meds. Well now that the TA is gone, she took me right off of it.

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Ok, you need to leave that doctor ASAP! You are not receiving the treatment that you deserve. I am shocked at all the things you've been saying about her.


I found a doc who is a regular family MD out in Lewisville (about 30 mins from me) but he specializes in thyroid and will prescribe Armour. He has received excellent reviews and is supposed to be affordable (I don't have insurance). The only snag is that he doesn't treat adrenal disorders, which I think I have as well. I think I have abnormal cortisol levels which can be connected to hypothyroidism, and medicines would need to be adjusted accordingly. I may try him out anyways because I am ready for a freaking diagnosis at the very least!

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