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Do you have a FI that now has a opinion?

Kelly C

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I'm going to kill my FI!!!!

He now decides he has an opinion on everything...From the wedding options, house decorating, the bridal registry and everything inbetween.


We were working in wedding goodies today and everything I picked out he hated. Including the beads I wanted to use on my foot jewerly.


I think the closer it gets the more stressed we both get.


Sorry guys I had to get it off my chest.

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i know exactly how you feel. i tried getting him involved in everything for this same reason. i didn't want to pick something out that he hated. he was very uninterested in it all and now he's telling people wrong information on wedding details. it drives me nuts! why does he think he knows whats going on when he didn't even plan any of it!?

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My FI only randomly piped in when it came down to money-- it annoyed the heck out of me because he had no idea all of the research and planning I had done to cut cost corners everywhere! now that we got that settled, he could care less again. I've tried asking his opinion on things and he seriously doesn't care. We pretty much only argue over who to invite, he invites everyone with pants on and it is driving me INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sign5.gif

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My FI wants nothing to do with it. Every so often he will chime in on what to do and I just pretend to listen then do what I want anyway. He isn't allowed on shopping trips and I don't let him see the options. Not that I don't want him to be a part of it, but he thinks it's so easy and will just pick random things just to do it. He pretty much sits back and lets me do whatever. He gave me a budget and I promised to stay within it. If I come to a point I need another opinion I ask him and I usually get " I don't care Baby do whatever you want" smile36.gif

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Well I'm glad I'm not the only one ~ FI has been driving me FREAKING NUTS!!!


Now let me preface this by saying, FI was the guy who initially said "just give me the date and time and I'm there baby." Nice, so I thought I had a green light to plan all the wedding details and just keep him updated from time to time. NOPE!!! Turns out this dude has an opinion on every damn thing. Even the colors, bridesmaids dresses and logo for our wedding. WTFhuh.gif isn't that shit only us girls care abouthuh.gif ~ please somebody take a pencil and stab me in the neck. smile105.gif


I mean don't get me wrong, I'm glad he cares and actually gives a f*$K, but sometimes I feel like I go out and do all the legwork (researching, making phone calls, sending out emails, etc.) and then it utimately goes to him to decide whether it gets past the chopping board and if not then I'm back at square one.


Sorry, had to vent. Damn, that felt good fryingpan.gif

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our biggest arguments were over favors. i said i wanted cookies or something edible as favors; he argued that the oot bags were enough. i said fine, let's have my dad make biscotti (he's famous in the family for biscotti), he said no, that's cheesy. a week before the wedding, dh asks what we're doing about favors - and decides he wants cookies. fryingpan.gif

any time i asked him for an opinion, he said "i really couldn't care less...i don't care" and i got frustrated with that, so i guess it served me right.

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The hardest part is actually making sure you have the same "vision" for things.


It took FI and I a long time to get the same picture. I had to give a little from what I originally wanted and so did he.


We spent many days at Michaels, Joann, and other places just trying to make sure we had a full understanding of what the other thought was good vs. cheesey; tacky vs. fun.


In the end, we've still argued about a bunch of things. FI didn't see the point in tying ribbons on the fan handles - until he saw them and loved them.


I wanted the EXACT same logo/colors on everything. FI didn't want to give people things in fushia and carribean blue. So, I gave in and did our OOT bags and contents with two logos, in a different color than everything else. And they turned out great.


So, my advice is to hear what they have to say. Show (not tell) them what you want to do (guys are very visual). And then concede a few points and win a few points. Just be sure that the battles you're picking are the important ones - because you don't want to win on putting baby's breath in the bouts, only to have to concede to having scantily clad waitresses serve flaming tequila shooters.

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Yep I think i've done a vent thread on this 2 lmao its all about HIM and what HE wants and then buggers off back to work!!


So I've decided he's got his mother going which is the only consideration he is getting - if he doesn't like it he can marry some bugger else lol


I'm doing it my way - its me thats sorting out the effing thing and also trying to get the cash together for it so he can piss right off lmao

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