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My best friend (who was also my MOH) and I both found out on Monday that we are getting new jobs. Mine took almost a year to get through the process and they made a new position for her. We are both super excited and are going to celebrate on Friday at our favorite local Mexican place. But I am a couple days late for my period so I don't know if I can have a margarita! wink.gif

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Originally Posted by xandrafaye View Post
A very good friend of mine got engaged last night (when I say good friend, I mean she called me before she called her mother! lol) & I am so incredibly happy for her, but I can't help but feel jealous. And I feel so horrible for being jealous. I cried myself to sleep last night, not because of the jealousy, but from the guilt of feeling that way... I'm a horrible person! sad.gif
Oh I'm sorry.. It's always hard to be on the "hasn't happened to me yet" side of the coin. Gosh I've been on that side with being unable to get pregnant for... well forever now.. hang in there.
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Originally Posted by melglnh2o View Post
My best friend (who was also my MOH) and I both found out on Monday that we are getting new jobs. Mine took almost a year to get through the process and they made a new position for her. We are both super excited and are going to celebrate on Friday at our favorite local Mexican place. But I am a couple days late for my period so I don't know if I can have a margarita! wink.gif
Hmm sounds like someone need to take a trip to the drug store and pick up a test.. :-)
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Originally Posted by melglnh2o View Post
My best friend (who was also my MOH) and I both found out on Monday that we are getting new jobs. Mine took almost a year to get through the process and they made a new position for her. We are both super excited and are going to celebrate on Friday at our favorite local Mexican place. But I am a couple days late for my period so I don't know if I can have a margarita! wink.gif
shit, i'd be drinking extra at this point! not exactly ready for THAT yet...i can't even get myself to sleep at night, let alone a baby!
speaking of which, i didn't sleep a wink last night. once school is over i go into summer mode, which usually means going to bed at 4 and waking up at 10. last year i was planning a wedding, so i had an excuse to do things at 3am....i have no excuse and nothing to do this time around.............
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Last night was very interesting. We got home from work and looked out our back window to see we had a HUGE honey bee nest in our tree! I mean, this thing was four feet long and at least six inches in diam. of PURE honey bees! It was nuts! So then the rest of the evening involved going to WalMart and getting bee spray and then me video taping Shawn spraying them and running away like a scared little girl! Oh it was hilarious!


Oh yeah! And we went skydiving on Saturday! That was awesome! However, I convinced my dad to go too... and he almost died! AH! It was So scary! My poor mother. The video can be seen on YouTube - Chuck skydiving


If you watch when the shoot gets pulled one of the shoulder straps breaks! (please remember I was watching this from the ground with my poor mother screaming at the top of our lungs!) Thankfully the dive master cut away the bad shoot and the back up worked like a charm! it's kind of funny watching the video because my dad had NO clue what had happened! It wasn't until he got on the ground and we all went running to him and gave him huge hugs that he realized it was his shoot plumiting to the ground that he saw!!

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Ok, so here is some entertainment for you guys. We took our foster dog to his first visit to the dog park.. Heres how it went....



Hey Chulo, what is Piper doing over there?

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"what are you looking at"

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Chulo, come on, let me have the ball, it's my turn...

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(Mean while on the other side of the park)

"oh yeah, that's the spot"

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Ahhh at last, the ball is all mine....

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congrats to everyone for new jobs. And for the jobs you didn't get tell them to F*** off!


Lets see...I just accepted a new teaching position in another district in KINDERGARTEN! I start back NEXT WEEK, and the kids will be there in 3 weeks..I'm terrified of them being that....little!


I got a massage yesterday and it was THE most physically, painful experience in my life I think...apparantly I'm TOO stressed out and have WAY too many knots in my neck/back....Too stressed out? Tell me something I DIDN'T know!


And...I'm going home to Philly tomorrow for 4 days..to probably have it out with my sister (my MOH) since she is incapable of giving me a clear answer as to whether she IS or IS NOT attending the wedding...like that would be helpful for me to know!


Oh yeah..and I had a very strange dream about the "EX" last night (the one who cheated on me with my best friend when I moved to Phoenix after a month..yeah that one!)...and my FI was in it too....I guess b/c I'm going home it stirs up all these horrible memories...


Thats all my dishing for the day so far..it's only 7:45 AM here! :)

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Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post
Last night was very interesting. We got home from work and looked out our back window to see we had a HUGE honey bee nest in our tree! I mean, this thing was four feet long and at least six inches in diam. of PURE honey bees! It was nuts! So then the rest of the evening involved going to WalMart and getting bee spray and then me video taping Shawn spraying them and running away like a scared little girl! Oh it was hilarious!

Oh yeah! And we went skydiving on Saturday! That was awesome! However, I convinced my dad to go too... and he almost died! AH! It was So scary! My poor mother. The video can be seen on YouTube - Chuck skydiving

If you watch when the shoot gets pulled one of the shoulder straps breaks! (please remember I was watching this from the ground with my poor mother screaming at the top of our lungs!) Thankfully the dive master cut away the bad shoot and the back up worked like a charm! it's kind of funny watching the video because my dad had NO clue what had happened! It wasn't until he got on the ground and we all went running to him and gave him huge hugs that he realized it was his shoot plumiting to the ground that he saw!!
wow, you've had an adventurous few days!!!!!!!! i thought bees were disappearing?! we've found 3 hives w/in the last 2 weeks!
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I only have 2 days of work left after today and then I'm on holidays!!


I can't wait - we haven't had a holiday since we were in Mexico last year in February - so it's been a long time coming!


We're going to be camping at Radium Hot Springs in BC for 4 nights and Banff for 3 nights and then stopping in Calgary (to do some shopping at IKEA!)


Can't wait!!!



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