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My dog was bitten... :(

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Originally Posted by Amarillis View Post
Yeh... I just didn't want to offend her - or in any way suggest that I was looking for veterinary compensation. She is a good friend of our family and I know how terrible she felt when the whole situation occurred.

I also totally agree that pitâ€s (and rottieâ€s) get a bad rap! I think that a dogs behaviour is 90% dependent on the way in which it is raised.
EXACTLY! And everyone around us knows that ONLY FI and I are to take balls, sticks and bones from her (she can become a bit posessive/agressive with them and becomes overly excited with the idea of playing fetch - will leap up to "fetch" the ball or whatever before it's left your hand and get your hand or wrist instead, completely by accident...FFIL learned the hard way when he didn't listen to me). And she just doesn't click with some other females...so we are just super careful in introducing her to them.

The funny thing is we've had Daisy longer than Vera. Now, the FIRST time she and Vera met...they shared a food bowl, water bowl and Daisy actually let her take a stick and a ball from her...it's the ONLY dog she has EVER let do that...needless to say, we took Vera home lol...
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Originally Posted by Dez921714 View Post
The funny thing is we've had Daisy longer than Vera. Now, the FIRST time she and Vera met...they shared a food bowl, water bowl and Daisy actually let her take a stick and a ball from her...it's the ONLY dog she has EVER let do that...needless to say, we took Vera home lol...
Awww that's so sweet. they were meant to be sisters.
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Good for you for taking him the vet. This happened to my previous dog when I was a teenager, my parents didn't take her to the vet because they never took her to vet after her initial vaccinations (she was about 8 when she was bitten). It's not that they were cruel or didn't love her, but it's just they didn't believe in spending money on a dog beyond the basics (i.e. food). Also we thought it ws just a little surface bite, it wasn't bleeding much.


Anyways, about a week later the dog is smelling really bad so we took her to the vet and it turned out it was badly infected and her flesh was rotting, they had to cut out chunks of her flesh! The surgery was 500$. Then, a week later they had to do the same opperation over again becuase it wasn't healing well even with the first surgery and antibiotics. At this point my parents considered putting her down but since they had already paid 500$ for the first surgery they figured that would be wasted money until they dished out another 300$ for the 2nd surgery.

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My dog was bitten by another dog who lived across the street from us. My dog, Jessie, is super friendly and always wants to play, but this dog (also a lab) just wanted to rip her ear off.


So now Jessie is missing the tip off one of her ears. And I approached the neighbour and he agreed to pay half. Which was nice b/c it was xmastime.


So what do you guys recommend for dealing with friends with super-agressive dogs? FI and I have a friend who's just aquired 2 dogs (they're brothers) and she "blames" their agressive behaviour on their breed.


My dog doesn't really want anything to do with her dogs, and one of her dogs bit FI on the back of the leg a few weeks ago at our house! They just brushed it off as it being their breed and that they were "rescued" dogs that are still adjusting.


FI and I went out to our friend's house this weekend past and camped in their back yard (they were doing renos before they move in this upcoming weekend). Every time I stepped into the back yard, these dogs would come out of hiding behind the bushes and run around me in circles barking and baring their teeth.


We're just waiting for these dogs to escape and attack some kid. Our friend has no control over these dogs and anytime we try to talk to her about it, she either brushes it off or changes the topic.


Sorry for the (sort of) hijack, what would you do if you were in my shoes?

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Originally Posted by townie princess View Post
FI and I have a friend who's just aquired 2 dogs (they're brothers) and she "blames" their agressive behaviour on their breed.

My dog doesn't really want anything to do with her dogs, and one of her dogs bit FI on the back of the leg a few weeks ago at our house! They just brushed it off as it being their breed and that they were "rescued" dogs that are still adjusting.

FI and I went out to our friend's house this weekend past and camped in their back yard (they were doing renos before they move in this upcoming weekend). Every time I stepped into the back yard, these dogs would come out of hiding behind the bushes and run around me in circles barking and baring their teeth.

We're just waiting for these dogs to escape and attack some kid. Our friend has no control over these dogs and anytime we try to talk to her about it, she either brushes it off or changes the topic.

Sorry for the (sort of) hijack, what would you do if you were in my shoes?

First off, I would ask that they not bring their dogs over to my house. It's your house and it's your dog's house and no one should bring other animals over unless it's totally ok. New dogs should always be introduced to one another in "neutral" territory. I would flat out say: "we love having you over, but you'll have to leave your dogs at home from now on, b/c "Fluffy" isn't comfortable with them."

Second, I'd hope to hell that they leash up their crazy dogs. that's just totally unacceptable. If someone flippantly told me that I got bitten by their dog b/c the dog was a rescued dog, that's no excuse. If you can't control the dog, you shouldn't have it as a pet. I think I would call her on it and say it's serious.

Third, never take your dog with you when visiting her. Your dog will be safer and more secure at home than with you at her place. It's not worth the risk.

I got so mad the other day at this old man who was walking his little fluffball (very small dog) on the other side of the road, without a leash. Cubby and I were walking along and the minute the other dog saw us, the man said "Don't even think about it" well, of course the other dog ran across the street right in front of a taxi. I nearly had a heart attack. I gave him hell rant.gif but he just shrugged and said "She's great and always listens, except if there's another dog around". Well wtf.gif are you doing walking around a neighbourhood for without a leash on your dog? YOu need to live int he country. Sorry, it's just a major pet peeve (LOL) for me (people who don't use leashes) because that's part of the reason we can never go for walks in the woods or parks sad.gif focus.gif

I don't know if that really gives you much concrete stuff to go on. Honestly, I dont' think there's much you can do about her, but you can control what you do.
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I hope your furbaby is doing okay! It's so sad to have your "baby" need stitches! My little puppy just needed to have surgery and we were sooo sad. She wore a cone for a week and was running around like a mad woman. I'm sure your doggie will be back to normal in no time at all! Keep us posted on how he is doing.

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