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Do You Tip at Sonic?


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I didn't know you just get a drink. And no I wouldn't tip 2-3 bucks on that. But if I bought a meal then yes I do. When I lived in STL every morning I got a drink and a burrito thingy and I tipped every morning to the same girl. She was so happy I tipped her. And it makes me feel good. Sorry!

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Originally Posted by CaliaA07 View Post
I didn't know you just get a drink. And no I wouldn't tip 2-3 bucks on that. But if I bought a meal then yes I do. When I lived in STL every morning I got a drink and a burrito thingy and I tipped every morning to the same girl. She was so happy I tipped her. And it makes me feel good. Sorry!
Why are you apologizing? In my first post, I wrote that I picked up a drink...but that can easily be skipped over.

I was asking for opinions, I don't think there is any reason to apologize for giving yours. grouphug.gif
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Originally Posted by starchild View Post
Omg Omg Omg remember awhile back I started a Sonic thread because I am jealous of everyone who lives near one?

WELL, when we went to Disneyland for our anniversary there was a Sonic like 5 miles away and WE WENT! I agree with everyone who recommended the cherry limeade, wowsers!!! I wish they sold that by the liter!

And no, we didn't tip...but I did take pictures because it was so monumental for me...LOL
I would trade you sonic for In-and-Out any day. I'm a California girl and miss it so much!!

And no, I don't tip at Sonic. blush2.gif
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Originally Posted by FutureMrsB View Post
I would trade you sonic for In-and-Out any day. I'm a California girl and miss it so much!!

And no, I don't tip at Sonic. blush2.gif
OMG Amen to that! I'm a cali girl too. Inn and out is the best
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We don't have any near us, but on a trip to south carolina we saw a sonic sign on the highway & crossed two lanes of traffic to exit. I love their food.


What I really miss though is whataburger chickenstrips & gravy. One time we flew in to texas & landed at 9am. But to us it felt like lunch time because we had been up since 4am eastern so we went straight for whataburger & got big meals. We were so gitty that they probably thought we were high.


mmm their ketchup is the best too.


OK back to the topic- I lived by a sonic with a drive thru in college so I didn't tip. I'd probably just tip my left over change if they brought it to my car. More if I had to ask for them to go back & get something like more ketchup.


When I made minimum wage someone gave me $5 before christmas & I was so thrilled. It was like a bonus hour of pay!

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Yes, it's fast food...burgers, chicken fingers, chili pies, foot long chili dogs, etc. I just love their drinks. half of their menu is drinks....strawberry limeades, cherry limeades, they put fresh fruit in them, ocean waters, I could go on and on :) They have yummy drinks!! Their biggest size is a route 44oz. I can drink it all!

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