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Why Would Someone Take Pictures of Our House?


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Ok, last week I was in Aiden's room (which faces out the front yard) and I happened to glance out the window and saw this lady who was walking by taking a couple of pictures of our house.


Ooooook. I thought it was weird, but didn't give it much thought. Our front yard is by no means exciting since we haven't worked on it since moving in. Our yard faces the woods so there are always bunnies and other assorted animals running around, so I figured maybe there was a bunny in the front and she was taking a picture of it.


However today Brian, I and the baby were in the car in our driveway about to leave for the zoo. I look at my rear view window to backup out of the driveway and see this car roll up, a lady leans out and snaps a few pictures of my house and then SPEEDS off. Like seriously, tires squealing, hauling ass.


Of course Brian, being a typical guy, is totally oblivious and didn't catch any of this.


I think it may have been the same lady. They were both blond, but I can't be sure. Strange! I wonder who the hell she is and why she is taking pictures of my house.


Brian threw out ideas like real estate agent, appraiser, etc. He also applied for the Philly police dept so we theorized some weird background check person. But I don't know. If I see her again, I'm going to start getting paranoid that someone is stalking me. Any ideas of why someone would be taking pictures of the house?!

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I immediately thought of a real estate appraiser looking for comporable (sp?) houses. But dont know why the multiple appearances by this gal. If this is for Brian's background that is one crazy intense background check, for mine they just talked to a few neighbors. Try to get a license plate if you see her again and then totally call the police! Weirdo!

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Off the top of my head, your being sued for some reason, real estate appraisals, they are doing a background check for the police department, (although honestly I've never heard of this happening), etc.


Shady...very shady. Do you have any problems with neighbors or anyone else?

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Is your house older? Maybe she lived in at one point and is nostalgic?

Or maybe she likes the design of the front of your house and she's building her own to match?

Or maybe she's an architect and there is a feature of your house that she's never seen in person...

I agree it is strange though...

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Hmmm... at first I was thinking the people that take the pictures for the county auditor's site for the property. Don't know if they do that where you are.


But the speeding off has thrown me.

Keep an eye out. Snap a picture back (or pretend to) on your cell phone.

Maybe that will make them nervous or explain what they are doing.

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I'm extremely paranoid so I know my thoughts would be running wild.


BUT my parents just a built a house and we spent some time driving around town photographing features of houses we liked- like the windows, the details, the fences, etc. Maybe she likes something?


THen again, we didn't haul ass off with our tires squealing. That's very weird.

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Maybe it was for one of the reasons already stated but they thought you would get mad and yell at them so they bolted. The same way you feel a little paranoid, its possible they felt paranoid and got out of there in case you called the cops or something. It could be something simple like they just like features of your house.


Hey maybe someone wrote to Extreme Makeover and they are redoing your house for you! Wouldn't that be awesome! Or maybe your going to be on one of those decorating shows and they are production assistants who have to get info. That would be fabulous!

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