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Calling all BDW Members...Help me get my baby girl home! Updated: We're home!!


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Ann, I just came across this thread and then proceeded to take a long time to read IT ALL!

All I can say is WOW. The way brides on this forum have come forward is really impressive!

I can't add much to what has already been said but I do second the notion of contacting the media. Why? I'm a TV reporter and these are the kind of stories that play with peoples emotions which in turn makes the TV stations switchboard go berserk with viewers wanting to help.

One thing to consider is calling the media in the area you are in now. They could come over and interview you, Paul and if the hospital allows take beautiful pictures of baby Gwen. I know from experience, viewers will call and help!!! You never know if a milionaire with a sweet plane is watching and wouldn't mind donating his plane.

PM and I can help you call the TV stations. I know exactly how to "sell" the story so TV producers would be willing to interview you.

Also, I hate to be the devil's advocate but I think flying is your best option. I just saw a pic of Gwen and I can't believe how much she is growing. Everyday, every single day that passes, is a good sign. It's a sign her vitals are getting better, she is becoming stronger, healthier. One day could make all the difference in the world. I would much rather run a 4hr risk than a 4 day (probably more) risk.

Find out more about the oxygen she could carry onboard. See if there are masks or anything that could protect Gwen from the airplane air. We could all pitch in with $$ or even miles and you could fly first class. Be the last to board the plane and be the first to get off.

Just a thought. I personally think it is too much to take such a young, delicate baby on the road. If you fly, the transfer wil take all but one day.

Just something to think about.

Good luck!

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Ann, she is such a fashionista!!!! i love it - Gwen has no idea how big of a fan club she has - you have to save these threads to disc or something for her for when she is a teenager! it will definitley teach her a lot about women and friendships :)

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Originally Posted by Alyssa View Post
Ann, she is such a fashionista!!!! i love it - Gwen has no idea how big of a fan club she has - you have to save these threads to disc or something for her for when she is a teenager! it will definitley teach her a lot about women and friendships :)
ditto! I couldn't have said it any better!
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Ann, I just thought of something cool. If you end up in an RV would you pass through L.A. at all? If so, there is the coolest RV park ever at the beach like 3 miles from my house. It's practically on the sand with ocean as far as the eye can see...DH & I will bring our portable BBQ and cook you guys a meal to remember :)


(or of course you can come to our house but we lack the ocean view!)

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I know it would be hard in the RV but couldn't you make a sort of road trip, stop at places of interest on the way, take pictures of Gwen in these places and then document your whole journey, have a map of your route, put some of this thread in it. You could call it something like 'Gwen's Homecoming'. When she is older and understands, she will realise how much she was loved by so many people, and it would be a great source of memories for years to come.


I hope you figure something out and get that wonderful daughter of yours home safe and sound.

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