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FMIL/FSIL Vent....

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You so need to come over here for 2 weeks lol with my tutoring you'll go back and tell them all to shove it up their ass lol you are NOT their fecking TA - don't pay anything!!! give her the details and tell her to ring them and pay lmao

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Just to revise my previous post...I called FMIL's friend to make sure I was spelling her name right and she suggested that I put it on her card. So she just wanted me to do it for her, but on her card. I told you she was a sweet lady LOL


Off to change my count to 7!

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, I wanted to give a quick update on this whole situation....


FMIL and FSIL told both told me the other day (seperatly) that they will pay for their own room. So I think we're off the hook with that. They are also sharing the room with 2 other poeple, so it'll be a bit cheaper anyway. I don't know why they tell me this stuff....FI is the one related to them! LOL


Newest thing now...FSIL and FBIL are going to Aruba in August for their 1st anniversary....FBIL isn't coming to our wedding because "it's too much money", "we're buying a house", "it's two weeks after Christmas" etc etc...I know it bothers FI that he isn't coming because we went WAY out of our way for their wedding...now that they are going away in August, I'm afraid of how FI is going to react....

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Ok I think you should let bygones be bygones. I really know it sucks but you will KILL yourself worrying over this stuff.


My aunt booked a trip to Cabo for the week before my wedding and told me they had to because they couldn't use vacation time for the week of my wedding. Total BS since she and I work for the same company, she blamed it on her husband. BUT he works for the same company as a few other of my family members and they came even though the time is "blacked out" according to my aunt. My family is pretty tight too so I was really disappointed.


At some point, you just have to throw your hands up and just worry about who's coming- not who's not. It will help you keep your sanity. :)

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I agree with you Rachel...it's getting FI to see the light that is challenging. I think it bothers him mostly because he has a really small family and I have a HUGE family...his dad, uncle (aunt's husband) and BIL (sisters husband) aren't coming.


I'll try to get him to let it go though, because ultimatelly, they are the ones who lose out, we are having an AHR, but they'll never be in our wedding pictures, or part of the stories or laughs or good times...by their own choice.


No skin off my back :)


I'm just glad I get to save over $1600 lol

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Originally Posted by cheese_diva View Post
Since this is really about your husband and his relationship with his family and not their lack of money or wanting to go.. I would consider it a gift to your future hubby.. try to leave the hard feelings out of it.

Positive spin.. a wonderful gift for your man and his peace of mind that I'm sure he appreciates greatly.
I totally agree with Cheese Diva! She is right, this is really about your FI, and making sure that he is happy. I think that in the end this could strengthen your relationship with your FSIL and FMIL.

Hang in there darlin'... and remember how lucky you are to have your FI, b/c it it pretty darn apparant that your FSIL and FMIL don't have the kind of love in thier lives that you do.

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I feel for him- I really do. My DH only had his mom and dad at our wedding and for the longest time, we even thought they weren't coming. It was pretty much all my family and he kept getting upset saying that no one would sit on his side of the aisle. I told him not to be silly because people wouldn't have the option to sit on sides. We only had enough chairs for those that were there.


We had a VERY long discussion about the disappointment though. I didn't want him to feel that he had to go through with a DW if he really didn't want to. I think in the end he felt ok because I have a HUGE family and only my immediate family (mom, dad and sis) came along with my grandparents, one aunt and 2 cousins. This is 8 people out of 60. It's not like I had a huge turnout either. :)

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At first FI's parents were using $$ as a reason they couldn't be there...that's when we told them we'd pay for it


We had a few long talks to and right off the bat I told him we could do the legal stuff here so they can be here for it. He's stubborn lol so he said no, if they aren't coming to mexico, they can't see us get married. His mom, sister, and aunt will be there. Add their husbands, that's his whole family. My mom has 12 sisters and brothers. I know at least half my aunts will be there, a few of my cousins are really excited and even my second cousin is planning on coming. When he thinks about it that way he feels crummy. Then he smiles and says that my family is his now too, so his family WILL be there. It's not the same, but it is sweet.

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Don't mean be to rude but your FBIL seems like a right arse!! let him get on with it - if FI gets really upset about it HE needs to speak to him about it - stay right out of it so that you don't get the blame lol


Glad you don't have to pay now tho - robbing bandits can't believe they were going to let you lol

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