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Post your Hair and makeup ideas

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I have totally different advice for someone who does not wear makeup, if you never put it on I would TOTALLY not advise that you choose your wedding day to experiment. Simply instruct your makeup artist to give you a NATURAL application of products. Any good artist knows the difference between glam and natural and should be able to create a look that suits your personality and event, not make you look like someone you are not.


The last time I was in Jamaica I "tested" my newly cut "straight" bangs. smile35.gif I am African-American and my hair is relaxed and in December I was in Jamaica I wore my freshly blown out hair with big barrel curls down to my shoulders and POOF it went right up.


I cut bangs to see how they would do for the wedding based on my glam style. In April my hair did just fine - I carried a flat iron with me and it stayed straight with a light morning touch up.


When I met with Sonia the wedding coordinator at Tensing Pen I showed her my style - also with FAB bangs. She loved it (as do I) and was certain that the stylist could make it happen for the wedding. The stylist is about $100.


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I would choose what you feel comfortable with and work with the stylist to make it happen. I am prepared to start on my hair first thing the day of the wedding to make sure we have enough time.




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I love all of your ideas! One of my bridesmaids is a hair stylest and is doing my extensions. I have almost always had chin to shoulder length hair and want to have luscious, long hair for a month! I either want something old hollywood glam like the fist pic or something to the side like the second one. It will probably have to be the second one because of how windy the gazebo is at Dreams Cancun.


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  • 1 month later...

I have finally settled on my hairstyle for the wedding. I was originally thinking the Emmy Rossum style that I posted earlier on this thread. Then, for the past little while, I started thinking that I wanted it down and curly/wavy. Anyway, I went to my normal stylist for a trim the other day, and she offered to do a few sample looks for me at no charge. I've been going to her for years, and it was like she read my mind. I seriously was close to tears I was so happy. I didn't even cry when I found the dress!


The style she did was very similar to the front and back pics attached. I'm going for a trim a few days before we leave for the wedding, and I'm going to ask her to do it again, and this time I'm going to make sure to take some pictures. The Maui stylist I've booked for the wedding is supposed to be amazing, and I'm sure he'd do a great job based on the pics below, but I feel so much better knowing that I'll have pics of the style I want done by the hairstylist who knows me so well.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally Posted by FLgator View Post
That is close to what I am thinking of doing! Do you plan to wear a flower?

I wanted exactly like you wanted..beachy waves and a flower I had to have a flower! :) I'll show you how mine ended up. The day of the ceremony I had the salon curl my hair and fix it. It was so perfect when it was first done but as soon as I stepped outside it fell a bit and became stringy. I'm still happy how it turned out but just remember curls will not stay perfect when they are down. The next day for the TTD session I wore my hair straight with a flower pinned to the side. I felt much more comfortable like this. Just thought I'd share.

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  • 5 months later...


I see this thread hasn't been updated in a looooooong time, let's see what some new bride/bride to be's can add!


(I am in the process of clearing out all the comments and leaving only postings with photos in this thread. If you notice that your thread has been removed, it was probably b/c the photobucket link was broken and the picture was no longer displayed. I am also adding all the photos to posting that only provided links or attachments.)


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Here's a few hair ideas I was thinking about. I am getting extensions before we go and doing a hair trial with my hairdresser to take pics to show the hairdresser at the resort.

For whatever reason, I am completely against wearing my hair up. Although I think I might get too hot with it down!


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These are great inspiration pics! I am going to see my hair dresser this saturday with a few pics in tow... We'll do some trials and I will take pics and post. I hope to take the pics with me to the salon at the resort so they can copy the hair... I am luckier than most though - my stylist is also my friend and traveling with us for the wedding so she can make sure the resort does it just right!



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FYI, I am a big MAC addict. I'm sure most of you are. I was planning to do my own makeup, but first did a little investigating. I am getting married in Bermuda, and just assumed that there aren't any MAC stores. I was wrong! Apparently they also have the same policy as US stores. As long as you buy $50 worth of products (which I have no problem doing,) the makeup application is free! Woo Hoo! You other brides may want to call the customer service number on the MAC website and find out if there is a MAC location at your destination and you can pretty much get your makeup done for free. Just buy some of the stuff they used!

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