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Thanks ladies, I'm so glad you like them!


Jenetta - I think I'm going to simply stack them in order of size in the envelope with the smallest on top. I have a feeling they're already going to need quite a bit of postage! Though... now you have me thinking about a tiny bit of ribbon tying them together... hmmmm.... I like it! Maybe I'll pop into Michael's and see if I can find something light and inexpensive... Great thinking!


Christa - I'm so glad you like the RSVP card! I had to sort of argue it through with my parents because they thought it was confusing (I responded that if someone was too dumb to figure it out then they shouldn't come to the wedding... I'm so mean!) Even though they're sort of formal I wanted to set the tone that this is going to be FUN and (sort-of) casual. Hopefully too many people won't get confused. But honestly if they do all they have to do is go to our website and it should become clear. I hope so at least! wink.gif I have to admit that I think I would have lost my mind trying with DIY invites. I become obsessed... though part of me wishes I had done it that way!


Amy - they were a bit pricier because of all the inserts. I think the invite alone wasn't bad maybe $3/each but then each insert was another $1 (therefore $6/each). I think that this company does some really gorgeous invites at a relatively reasonable price (compared with many others I have seen). If you are interested in them I have a bunch of samples I ordered so I can always send them to you since we're both in LA.


Thankfully they're going to send the envelopes early so we can start writing out addresses... I am so late on all this!

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I totally understand! I was actually planning on doing something significantly less expensive but for some reason my dad got really hung up on the invitations being nice... it was the one thing he just kept on saying over and over was how he wanted to see the invitations, blah, blah, blah...


Anyway, let's hope he likes them!

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Originally Posted by KarlaV View Post
Tammy- very cool invitations!! I especially like how you carried the image throughout the wedding website and t-shirts.

Does anyone know where to find some letterpress invitations that are not so expensive?

I found two invitations I really like, but they are a little out of my price range.
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Karla, where did you find those invitations? I loooove them!!!
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Kash- Well if your fathers paying then why not splurge wink.gif


Glenda- Thanks! I spent all day working on it. Its still a work in progress. I told Hans he needs to contribute! I have to give credit to Ann's website. I took all the info on Dreams from her site!


KarlaV- I love those invites!!!

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Originally Posted by destinationbride07 View Post
Here are mine….I had them made by olio.style - modern wedding invitations, stylish baby announcements, unique custom stationery . The lady we worked was Peggy and she is sooooooo awesome. I wanted Pocket folds but could not afford them and olioâ€s prices were within my budget!
I am just staring to look at invites - and these are at the top of my list. Were they able to send you samples at all? I am looking at the "Palm Trees" sample they have online, which looks like what you ordered. I assume you can change the colors, and do things like that? You seem happy with the results - would you recomend them?
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