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To Cut or Not to Cut


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Updated with pics:


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Right before I hit the chair!



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I like it but I constantly have to do a double take since I'm not quite used to me looking like that. Can't wait to go to work and see how many people freak out.




Ugh- I'm so frustrated because I don't know what to do with my hair. I grew it out long for the wedding and now I feel it's just so blah. I want to chop it off but people keep telling me not too.


I want to dye it brown because my hair has always been blonde- mostly dirty blonde. With old age, it's starting to get darker and my roots are SO hard to keep up. But I'm so scared of doing anything but blonde.


Please help.


Here's some pics to help:

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Most recently what my hair looks like. Although it is a little lighter. This pic made it look darker.


I thought maybe I should just change color for now-

Here's auburn:

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According to Instyle's Makeover tool


BUT I really want to chop it off and dye it brown. Here's a crappy example of that:

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I know it looks stupid because I didn't have access to any pics with my hair pulled back. LOL Slow Friday if you can't tell!

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If it's any help at all, I'm also a "natural" blonde, but it's gotten so much darker as I've gotten older and I was getting sick of the dying upkeep. This fall I went brunette for the first time ever and LOVED it! Later I had some highlights put in and as my roots grew in they blended so nicely it wasn't noticeable like before. I'm all for a good hair change! It brings out sides of your personality you may not know were there!

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I think you should cut it and color it....


don't know if you saw my thread Rachelle about me doing something different too.... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t21366

I'm thinking of cutting it short and dying it blond or maybe big blond streaks....don't know yet. My appointment is on Thursday.


I used to have it short and kind of liked it...when I was 21....will post a pic. you girls tell me if I should do this again.....especially the hairstylists on here :)


Sorry for the highjack Rachelle.....I apologize




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I'm usually a little daring with my hair but I'd cut & colour it. It's only hair & if you don't like it, you can always change the colour. I just cut mine 2 months ago from past my shoulders to almost bob (but not so boring). It's always nice to have a change, especially for the summer.

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