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Holy cow Jenn.. you just described my FI to a tee!!! Although with Jayson (FI) he WILL eventually put everything in the dishwasher once the sink gets too full.. and he will turn it on to clean. But man, to get up every morning and see his cereal bowl in the sink with a spoon when our dishwasher is RIGHT THERE and empty for him to put things in drives me nuts.


Jayson also leaves the recycling bottles and cans on our counter.. instead of in the recycle bin right near the door.. like 3 feet away.


He will also not fold his laundry.. just keeps it in the basket and pulls it out all wrinkled to wear. Dirty clothes will then go into a heap on our bedroom floor until he's worn all the clean clothes from the laundry basket. However he will do his own laundry.. I don't touch it.. heh


Crazy how all these guys have these similar habits!!

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They are truly simple creatures...


Matt will just about empty a box of cereal or crackers, etc. And put the practically empty box BACK into the cupboard! AGGHHH!!


I don't mind the dishes left in the sink until clean-up time, but what absolutely drives me NUTS is that he doesn't soak them. By the time I finish dinner and go to wash up, the dishes are all cruddy and HARD!

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... and though he is a good cook, I swear that there are times I'd rather he just didn't cook, when I see the state of the kitchen! Grease EVERYWHERE! Ever hear of putting a lid on it?


Okay, I'm on a roll here! Best change threads! Good God! He's cooking right now as we speak...

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I don't think my fi has ever put anything in the dishwasher. Oh and when the dishwasher is full, he won't run it. he says he doesn't know how. How can you not know how to run the dishwasher? Our machine is so simple, just turn the know to normal wash, close the door, and pull the lever to lock it. That's it, it's not brain surgery.

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At least yours attempt to do things. Mine does nothing. Nothing. Let me repeat.....NOTHING.

I do everything that needs to be done around the house to keep things running smoothly as far as cooking, cleaning and laundry. It stinks sometimes, but on the other hand I would completely FREAK if he left everything half a$$ done like you guys are describing. We would be fighting like cats and dogs. By me doing everything, it keeps the peace.

Oh wait, he has dusted 4 times since we lived together for almost 2 years and will unload the dishwasher....get this.....ONLY if it's unlocked. He will not touch the dishwasher if it's locked to put dishes in or out. Weird. And I'm so anal about locking it out of habit that now I try to also leave it unlocked because that is the one single thing that he will do without being asked.

Wow - that felt good!

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When fi did actually fill the dishwasher on maybe 2 occassions in the almost 2yrs we've been in the house, i was so annoyed by how he put things in the dishwasher. i have to load things a certain way, drives me crazy when he puts dishes where there should be glasses or glasses where there should be dishes. I hate that.

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My biggest thing- I hate asking him to do something. He won't clean it on his own, so if I ask for help he gets annoyed like I'm mom-ing him. Please. And then when he does do it, I feel like I need to say thank you. Why?! It's not like it's all my dishes he just put away. He freakin eats on them too! But no, he gets all huffy if I'm not appreciative.


LOL I shouldn't complain though. He doesn't create huge messes. He's just not helpful at doing the deep cleaning stuff.

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Wow - I don't feel so alone now! Thanks for bringing this one up because lately FI thinks his only job is to mow the lawn and cook red meat and pork! I do the rest of the lawn work (i.e. pulling weeds, planting flowers, etc). He is SO gross! He leaves his socks all balled up and I told him that I was no longer going to un-ball them. It is disgusting.


He does help out with the house cleaning, but he skims over. My 4 day weekend this weekend is going to be spent deep cleaning the house.


I try to be appreciative and say at least he makes an effort. I couldn't imagine doing it ALL Alone. OMG - one thing he does that irks the hell out of me, is he doesn't take care of his things. He got a very expensive BBQ grill two years ago (I'm talking stainless steel and granite counters) - it's an outdoor kitchen - and the inside of the grill is dirty and gross.


Also, he likes to cook, but doesn't believe in putting any of the meat he thaws out in the refrigerator on top of something to eliminate drippage. I cleaned out the refrigerator last night and got SO sick to my stomach because it was so nasty. That's probably why I can't stomach eating meat lately. evil.gif


Phew....that felt good to let out!

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