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What's making you happy today?


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what made me happy today? it's friday! plus a good friend of ours is getting married tomorrow, we are so excited. plus mothers day is sunday so it will be a good day to cure a hang over with tons of bbq. can't wait!

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congrats to him!!!!

My lil family makes me happy. I always love them, but I swear when I look at my little girl and she smiles at me my heart just melts. Today my fi and her were just laying on the floor together both with their hands behind their heads and then fell asleep....Super Sweet!

Also my first mothers day is Sunday...:)

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The thing that just made me really happy tonight is my car - which is funny because she's nothing fancy (yes, my car is a she & she even has a name! lol)

My friend had a brand new Mazda 3 & I have an older Sunfire. She always makes snide comments about her fancy shmancy special-a** Mazda which gets irritating... so tonight we're leaving a friends place & it was chilly so I hit my automatic start & our other friend asked if she was going to start hers too & she admitted she didn't have a car starter...

Well it sounds petty, but I actually said "Score one for the Sunfire!!" out loud! LOL

Might sound dumb, but I'm so sick of her putting down my car!


PS - Another thing that makes me happy about my car is that I own it, while she'll be paying hers off for the next 5 years! wink.gif

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Originally Posted by JenniferLynn View Post
Knowing that the hubby has something secret planned for tomorrow!
ooooh! what was it?? spill the beans to us!!
Originally Posted by Kat81 View Post
I am happy I got all my invites mailed out today!! WOOHOO! Now I can just wait for the RSVP's!
good girl! soooo jealous!
Originally Posted by LisaG View Post
Oh and I'm also happy today because I get a free car wash since it rained within 7 days of the last time I got it washed - yah!
right on! that is way cool :)
Originally Posted by monicabrandon2008 View Post
I'm happy because we are going camping this weekend- leaving in 2 hours YEY! We are going with a group of friends and one couple has a boat! I love being outdoors!
LOVE HEART LOVE camping! so fun!
Originally Posted by FYB87 View Post
I'm happy because I got my first check today after being unemployed for 6 months!
now that is something to be happy about! so proud of you!

i'm happy today because i just realized may has 3 paychecks! i sort of knew it before, but I really just realized that i can spend a whole paycheck on wedding stuff and finally be done buying! YAY!! WOOHOO!
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Originally Posted by DougsGirl View Post
ooooh! what was it?? spill the beans to us!!

Okay here goes! (this may be a temporary hijack!! Sorry in advance! hijacked.gif )

Saturday was our first anniversary, and for months the hubby has been teasing me with secret projects. He does this often, and although I pretend to be annoyed, I actually love it (who doesn't love a thoughtful surprise?).
So he had me get up at 7:30 so that we could make a 9am bus. I have no idea where we're going, but it's a beautiful sunny day, so it makes up for the almost too early rising on a weekend.

We get off the bus downtown, and he proceeds to lead me through the Rideau Centre (main mall, big for tourists since it's right in the heart of downtown), and finally turns us into the Amalfi Spa. He had arranged for us to have full body massages! I was sooo relaxed afterwards my day could have ended there and I would have been perfectly happy. But he had also arranged for me to get my hair done (while he was getting his massage). I have major issues with my hair...I can never get it to do anything I want (really thick, and really fine, makes for lots of fly-aways and a very frustrated me throwing the brush across the room), so this was a big big plus for me.

Once we were finished at the spa, we went for lunch, then he took me to a photo studio where we could have pro photos taken. He later gave me a BEAUTIFUL leather bound album that already had one of our wedding photos, and our most recent Santa Photo (yes, we do Santa Photos, just one of those silly traditions we love to do), and explained that every year he wanted to have professional photos taken on our anniversary to add to the album...I almost started to cry I thought this was such an amaaaazing idea!

By this point I was so overwhelmed with what the day had been, we decided against going out to dinner (he had made reservations at the rotating restaurant downtown), and instead had dinner at home and curled up with a movie (The Godfather Part II!!). It really was a perfect day!

Now back to your regularly scheduled "What's Making You Happy Today" thread! focus.gif
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I just finished the last final of my college career!!! :)


Now just a paper, a year of rotations, the boards and the MPGE... and I can enter the real world where I can have a life outside of school (and start paying off some of this debt I've accumulated and have.)

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Originally Posted by JennyK View Post
Im happy today because I'm spending the whole day with my nephew Dante. We went to Friendly's for lunch, shopped a bit, we're making "Uncle Greg" a welcome home card and baking a cake :)
How did the room makeover go?!
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