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Let's talk about our problem areas!

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Originally Posted by MissyR View Post
My skin has always been a problem - what works for me is Proactiv - honestly it's the best thing I have ever used and I rarely rarely get sits any more..

Oh and I hate the cellulite on my saddlebags - thanks MOM!
This is me too! Skin - every time I have quite using proactiv, I start breaking out. I only use the toner and the repairing lotion. the cleanser is just too much for my skin, but the toner and the lotion - skin saver for me!!

my saddlebags and my ass, and my knees, I think they're weird looking, but I don't think there's anything I can do about those!
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Okay for the girls with skin/acne problems:


I met this lawyer who told me that she had terrible atrocious acne, and she had the pics to prove it. Proactive did not work for her but she started on this line of skincare called ARBONE that is especially good for sensitive skin. So you guys should check it out. I think its a little pricey but hey if it works why not! Hope this helps someone out.


Okay Drea for the flabby arms you can do lots of arm exercises. You can do the obvious free weight bicep curls, tricep extension. You don't have to use heavy weights you just have to try to fatigue your muscles. Try doing dips on a chair or a bench if you go to the gym. Using your own body weight you slowly dip down. Can you do push ups? This gets arms pretty toned as well. Also the Windsor pilates for upper arms is great. It uses light weights but does the exercises in such a manner that your arms kill. Let me know if you want any arm exercises I'll give them to you.


Okay for the girls with thigh problems. This is an especially hard area to tone for women. Especially since a lot of it has to do with genetics. But you can try some exercises. Obviously doing cardio to shed some of the fat is a good step. Toning wise, you can do the abductor and the adductor machine (or the slut machines as my FI calls them). For those of you who don't know what I'm referring to, its the weight machine where you press your thighs together and then open them up. You I have toned my thighs significantly by doing the following exercises:


1. I do the adductor machine: 3 sets of 12 reps in each set

2. I do the abductor machine: 3 sets of 12 reps in each set

3. I do plies: 3 sets of 12 reps in each set

4. I do squats: 3 sets of 12 reps in each set

5. I do lunges: 3 sets (right and left leg) of 12 reps in each set


I started using a 8 pound weight and then increased it to 10 pounds the second week and then 12 pounds the third week. I would hold the freeweight pounds in my hand whil doing each of these exercises (except for the machines which have their own weight)


Hope this helps!

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Ummm, my butt is my problem. Looks great covered up...but when the panties drop, it's kinda like "ewwww." I fell down a flight of stairs several years ago, and amongst all the other resulting injuries was a hematoma the size of a tennis ball on my right butt cheek - upper middle area. It's hideous & it looks like I have weird deformed cellulite. And sometimes the bump hurts still, after all these years sad.gif

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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
Okay for the girls with skin/acne problems:

I met this lawyer who told me that she had terrible atrocious acne, and she had the pics to prove it. Proactive did not work for her but she started on this line of skincare called ARBONE that is especially good for sensitive skin. So you guys should check it out. I think its a little pricey but hey if it works why not! Hope this helps someone out.

Okay Drea for the flabby arms you can do lots of arm exercises. You can do the obvious free weight bicep curls, tricep extension. You don't have to use heavy weights you just have to try to fatigue your muscles. Try doing dips on a chair or a bench if you go to the gym. Using your own body weight you slowly dip down. Can you do push ups? This gets arms pretty toned as well. Also the Windsor pilates for upper arms is great. It uses light weights but does the exercises in such a manner that your arms kill. Let me know if you want any arm exercises I'll give them to you.

Okay for the girls with thigh problems. This is an especially hard area to tone for women. Especially since a lot of it has to do with genetics. But you can try some exercises. Obviously doing cardio to shed some of the fat is a good step. Toning wise, you can do the abductor and the adductor machine (or the slut machines as my FI calls them). For those of you who don't know what I'm referring to, its the weight machine where you press your thighs together and then open them up. You I have toned my thighs significantly by doing the following exercises:

1. I do the adductor machine: 3 sets of 12 reps in each set
2. I do the abductor machine: 3 sets of 12 reps in each set
3. I do plies: 3 sets of 12 reps in each set
4. I do squats: 3 sets of 12 reps in each set
5. I do lunges: 3 sets (right and left leg) of 12 reps in each set

I started using a 8 pound weight and then increased it to 10 pounds the second week and then 12 pounds the third week. I would hold the freeweight pounds in my hand whil doing each of these exercises (except for the machines which have their own weight)

Hope this helps!
I"ve heard of ARbonne, I've been invited to a few parties, but haven't been able to attend. I didn't realize it helped acne too. They were promoting it as an anti-aging skincare line.

As for the above exercises, I totally need to get on the abductor/adductor machine, and I need to increase my weights. Those are 2 things I haven't done, and i'm down to weeks, so that is exactly what I'm going to incorporate into my final countdown workout routine!

Thanks for thread and the help!
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I have had bad acne since I turned 28 which is when I also developed asthma! Which sucks. I'm 37 and still have issues. That's my only complaint, but it's a horrible one.


For the ladies that have the back flab and stomach problems you should try the below. All of these exercises work both the back and the stomach areas. Therefore, choose 4 of them to do one day, say Monday and choose another 4 say Saturday. If you have questions about what any of them are just pm me and I can send links. If a few people need I can just add them to the post!


1.) Pull ups and/or Chin ups: 4 sets of 6-12 reps or Any type of row - 3 sets of 8-12 reps

2.) Push-ups: 3 sets of 8-10 reps or Bench Press: 3 sets of 8-10 reps

3.) Back extensions: 3 sets of 10-15 reps

4.) Side bends: 3 sets of 12-15 on each side

5.) Leg Raises: 3 sets of 12-15 reps or Planks: Hold for 30-60 seconds and do as many as you can

6.) Crunches: 3 sets of 20-25 reps or Stomach Vacuums: 1-3 sets of 10-15 reps (Contract for at least 10-20 seconds). Do standing if big tummy, do lying down for smaller tummy!

7.) Dead Lifts: 3 sets of 8-10 reps or Good Mornings: 3 sets of 8-12


I hope this all makes since. Let me know if it doesn't. Also, remember that getting to the body that is best for you is 80% what you eat and 20% of the exercise you do.

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Speaking of this topic....every since I have had my daughter I have had random breakouts....I have like three pimples on the back of my neck...they go away and then come back...What the heck I am paranoid to wear my freakin hair up because Im afraid somone is gonna see it and say sick!!! Im gonna give it a couple of days then I think Im going to the derma!

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wtf im 25 and have acne too. i break out like a 13 yr old! nothing seems to work consistently for me. i have taken so many antibiotics to control my skin and some of you may remember i had a really bad allergic reaction to an antibiotic called solodyn in february that was causing muscle and joint damage. i had the near same experience on another antibiotic (a totally different class of antibiotic too) called ampicillin and noticed the onset of the problems right away and quit taking it. sandra i am totally checking out that dr perricone book. i feel like i am always spending so much money rotating dermatology treatments and OTC products that i am going out of my mind trying to figure out which combinations work when. i typically have really bad hormonal breakouts the week before/week of my period.


my other problem is that i have a fat belly. no matter how much i eat healthy and exercise, my belly seems to always be kinda poochie. i am hoping that the colonix will help a little with this.

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i hate my tummy. i could deal with every other icky area on my body, but i hate the fat on my tummy. it looks like i have extra skin from having a baby, yet i havent! and it's not like my tummy is distended or bloated, its not inside, but the actual layer of blubber on the outside.


oh and also the skin on the back of my upper arms gets these little bumps. i hate it. it doesnt happen in the winter when they're covered up, but in the summer when i start to wear sleeveless stuff. of course.

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