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What's making you happy today?


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YAY! How great to have all your sisters up there with you :)



Originally Posted by BeckyN View Post
Ahh... that is so sweet! : )


I'm happy today... because my future sister-in-law called me last night and agreed to be my bridesmaid!!! : ) She hadn't seen the card in the box we sent so when I hadn't heard from her after they recieved it... I was expecting bad news and that she was trying to think of a way to kindly decline.


But she said yes and is super excited!!! : ) Although I already have 2 sisters of my own, I am so excited to gain another one! She is awesome.

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I'm excited because I spent three days last fall planting bulbs and my tulips and daffodils are finally blooming. I have a ton of giant pink tulips. My FSIL came over last weekend and told me I have an Easter House. Yay for flowers.


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I'm also happy becuase our wedding is finally starting to take shape and people are getting their butts into gear and booking. Yay. smile29.gif

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I am happy b/c I got my BD photos and they aren't as bad as I was afraid of. Oh and my mom told me I was beautiful and she never compliments my looks! She made me cry, I was so happy. Yay for moms when they are being nice and supportive!

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Originally Posted by carly View Post
I am happy b/c I got my BD photos and they aren't as bad as I was afraid of. Oh and my mom told me I was beautiful and she never compliments my looks! She made me cry, I was so happy. Yay for moms when they are being nice and supportive!

Thats awesome, I think we need a peek!
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