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how long do I boil eggs for?

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I am making hard boiled eggs for a salad and I can never remember how long to boil the eggs for...anyone of you Martha Stewart wannabees want to help me out?

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My aunt says to boil the perfect egg you do this:


1. Boil water (very bubbly)

2. Put your egg(s) in the boiling water and keep them there for 3 minutes.

3. Turn off the burner and keep covered for 15 minutes.


This makes it so the shell comes off really easy and the yolk is perfectly cooked...good luck!

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Some of the time diff is because of the types of stoves. I know that I have adjusted the time when cooking of a gas stove vs an electric stove.


The ice bath stop the cooking and makes it easier to remove the shell.


I got my technique from the Joy of Cooking book

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Don't know about the sink/float...but I know a quick way to tell that they close to done. Take the egg from the water and spin it on the counter. If it spins fast like a top its likely done. A raw egg spins slow and off kilter. Seriously...try it...it's so strange!

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