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Alesse Birth Control Pill


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Thanks everyone for your feedback. I think I'll try it out, but if I start feeling depressed or anything, I'll go back in and get my doctor to prescribe me something else.


Originally Posted by Maura View Post
sadly, sherry, i have to let you know that alesse gave me suicidal thoughts. not serious ones where i ever wouldve hurt myself for real, but nonetheless. as soon as i stopped taking it 3 years ago, the thoughts stopped completely within a week of quitting taking it.
Maura, thanks for letting me know that. At least if I do start feelig depressed on it, I'll know why. I remember when I first started on tricyclen, I was really depressed at first, but then it got better, so I guess we'll see.


My doctor said that the pill can affect different women in different ways, so who knows. I'm tempted to stay on my Diane 35 until the wedding though. I'm kind of worried about switching pills less than 6 months before the wedding. I've never had any problems with weight gain on the pill, and I've been on 3 different ones before, so I'm hoping that means it's not an issue for me with the pill, but I would really freak out if I gained weight from the pill, even more so if it was before my wedding!

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Originally Posted by B&J2008 View Post
I've taken Alesse for several years now. Last year, at this time, my period starting messing up after being so predictable down to the time, so I thought that was a sign i needed to switch. I have been on 4 other BC's since last year and have recently gone back to Alesse. The dose is low, so its suppoded to make you have lighter periods, which mine always only lasted about two days. I took Seasonale, which you are only supposed to have 4 periods/year, but I was a raging bitch while on that one, as well as Yaz in which I cried all the time. I then switched to Loestrin 24 in which my period was pretty much nonexistent, which I loved, but I would have PMS symptoms all through the month, they weren't bad, but it was annoying and there is not a generic for that one, so it was expensive even with insurance. So here I am, back on Alesse. I've just been back on it a month, but so far so good! Also, with the others, I felt like my sex drive was down, and my sex drive is never down! I'm back to myself now...haha
Brooke, I've had the same experience with the low dose pills, with them making my preiod really short, so hopefully that's a good sign that Alesse will work for me too.
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Originally Posted by Kat81 View Post
I really can't wait to stop taking BC! I mean look at the crap it puts us through!! Blah you would think there would be a better way to not get pregnant that doesn't include yucky condoms or not doing it at all!
I hear you. It's crazy that they haven't come up with a better way!
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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
alesse was the first pill i took. it wasn't strong enough for me so my period lasted 2 months.
Yup same story with me! crazy! I was put on Marvelon after that and it worked fine for like 6 years. I stopped taking it for a year and a half (before I met my FI) and then started up again with Yazmin...which worked ok...the dr. told me it might be the only pill that actually helps you lose weight but she lied! Then about 4 months ago Yazmin stopped working too so I switched back to Marvelon...which didn't work. So now I'm on some new BC :S ugh I'm so over pills...I'm almost tempted to try the Natural Family Planning method the Church likes to preach about smile27.gif
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I'm not sure if you can get it in the states but I asked to be swapped to cerazette. My cousin is a family planning nurse and she said it was great so I thought i'd give it a go.


It's great for me - no periods at all, no mood swings, not sure if I've out weight on cause i've been troughing chocolate too much lol

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Hmmm... maybe I'll go back to my doctor and ask her to recommend another one or just put me back on Diane-35. It was actually another doctor filling in for my regular doctor who prescribed the Alesse anyway. My regular doctor may not have a problem with me staying on Diane-35, which at this point, would be my preference, because it's always worked for me, and I actually lost weight while on it!

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Originally Posted by Kat81 View Post
I really can't wait to stop taking BC! I mean look at the crap it puts us through!! Blah you would think there would be a better way to not get pregnant that doesn't include yucky condoms or not doing it at all!
there is a better way! i got a cooper IUD last july, its non hormonal and you dont have to use condoms. most insurances cover the cost, 100%. i got it because i couldnt take BC pills anymore, i was having so many health problems related to the hormones, and as soon as i quit taking the pill (i had tried at least 7-8 different ones over the years) all my problems went away. my allergies are even less severe. i am less bitchy when i have PMS and i lost 20 pounds after quitting the pill 3 years ago. i really would recommend the IUD, it has been a great solution for me, because i really cant take the pill and like every man, my FI hates condoms.
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Hmm I wish I would have researched that out for myself. I have had every hormonal problem associated with pills. From suicidal thoughts, constant breakdowns, snapping peoples heads off. Menstrating for a month, not menstrating for three months! At times, I thought I was going crazy. I am going to stop taking it in September after the wedding we are going to TTC. But after that I will keep that in mind. Thanks

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