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Bestman backing out?

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Two weeks before the wedding and poor FH is smacked with this situation. His BM is his nephew, his brother died when he was in college and FH wanted the next best thing-his brothers' son standing by him on our wedding day. Down side to this is his nephew is 18 and they live out of state. We asked SEVERAL times if our wedding was a conflict with prom and not once did anyone say yes. Well today my Future FIL gets an email asking if they can move the fight time (FIL are paying for him to fly out) because nephew has prom that weekend and he has a date! Apparently not once in the last year did it dawn on them that our wedding is 5/2 and prom is 5/3!

In order to move it they have to pay several hundred dollars and one option has him leaving moments after the ceremony or at 4:00am the next day.


I am so beyond pissed right now! So we are thinking there is an extreme possibility that FH is going to have to find a new best man.

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honestly, i can see how to an 18 year old they would not want to miss their senior prom for ANYONE but the real issue here is that the kid / parents / nobody told you about the date conflict until now ?? WTF? that sucks - that is the last thing you and Chris need to be dealing with 2 weeks before your wedding sad.gif

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Originally Posted by Alyssa View Post
honestly, i can see how to an 18 year old they would not want to miss their senior prom for ANYONE but the real issue here is that the kid / parents / nobody told you about the date conflict until now ?? WTF? that sucks - that is the last thing you and Chris need to be dealing with 2 weeks before your wedding sad.gif
I agree, in this whole thing the person I would feel the most sorry for is the girl he is supposed to go to prom with! Can you imagine two weeks before prom having your date tell you he can't take you! uuugh!
This isn't the first conflict that has come up with the family, his neice was upset because she is missing part of her camping trip, again, they asked if there were any conflicts before booking the trip and they all said no.

I am waiting for Chris to get up so he can check his email. He told them he had to know today what was going on.
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I was a bridesmaid for a destination wedding in Italy and living in Amsterdam at the time. The bride called me up a few weeks before the wedding and asked if I could be maid of honor because her maid of honor might not show up. I can imagine her panic now being a bride! I said OF COURSE and I am HONORED! And for the next couple weeks I was totally there for her. The maid of honor ended up coming but I was thrilled to be asked and know I helped her out for that short time... more for her sanity's sake and piece of mind. It so hard to feel like you've been let down. sad.gif


Unfortunately, these things happen but you guys could be having someone else be a special part of your day. If people are flying so far out to celebrate with you, then someone will also be more than thrilled to be an actual part of it. And be in all the pictures! :)

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