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Boycott El Dorado Royale & Karisma Resorts-UPDATE policy REVISED!

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Hopefully the hurt business will make them change their policies. Who knows, other resorts with similar (even less harsh) policies may follow suit. It's ridiculous to make it very difficult for a bride to choose her own vendors- especially when the couple is bringing in thousands of dollars not only for their wedding, but for their guest's stay at the resort as well.

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Originally Posted by SunBride View Post
Barcelo also has a no outside vendor policy, but I don't know the exact terms as I simply ruled out the resort after finding out I couldn't hire a local photographer for the day

I do agree that a sticky post of boycotting the resort is a little much. Why not just have it as a regular thread? It seems like normally only the most important threads are stickies. I wouldn't have thought this qualified as being something that should be a sticky.
it has been stickied because it has been an issue. i have been pm'd by multiple brides as well as vendors about this issue.

i think if there was one thread where people could voice their opinion about the policy, we could then send it to edr to see what they thought.

i for one have boycotted booking at EDR because of this policy.
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I completely support Tammy for posting this thread as is. It's not fair to couples. Do you all really think they have substantial reason to require a $500 fee AND a 3-night stay? And they are basing this on a Mexican law! Really, that raises a red flag!

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I understand what Tammy is trying to accomplish -but as a bride who is very much looking forward to her EDR wedding in a month-- it is a little shocking to see sticker titled "boycott EDR" on this forum.


I do not agree with Karisma's new policy- they are taking business out of their own country by making it difficult to hire local photographers- and hurting their own business, with a very extreme policy. There are too many wonderful resorts in the area that do not have this policy that a bride would probably choose over a Karisma resort, bc of this policy.


With that being said-- I do NOT regret choosing EDR as my place to get married and am very excited about the resort, and our wedding! With this policy aside, I have nothing but good things to say about my experience with planning my wedding at EDR. I've gotten quick responses from Valeria, and they have been very accommodating to me, on my requests.


This policy would be the only reason, so far (my wedding is still to come!) that I would consider not recommending EDR to other brides.

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Originally Posted by lovefreddy View Post
Are you concerned they will recognize her & know she is a pro?

I'm glad people have found ways to get around these rules. But, I think more pressure should be applied to the hotels to get them to get rid of these rules all together. If not, more hotels might follow the trend. I don't think it's fair to brides or photographers.

It really bothered me how they were sending out emails implying it was about customs and a new law. It really seems like they were threatening people only months before their wedding to get more money.
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Originally Posted by shannon View Post
I understand what Tammy is trying to accomplish -but as a bride who is very much looking forward to her EDR wedding in a month-- it is a little shocking to see sticker titled "boycott EDR" on this forum.

I do not agree with Karisma's new policy- they are taking business out of their own country by making it difficult to hire local photographers- and hurting their own business, with a very extreme policy. There are too many wonderful resorts in the area that do not have this policy that a bride would probably choose over a Karisma resort, bc of this policy.

With that being said-- I do NOT regret choosing EDR as my place to get married and am very excited about the resort, and our wedding! With this policy aside, I have nothing but good things to say about my experience with planning my wedding at EDR. I've gotten quick responses from Valeria, and they have been very accommodating to me, on my requests.

This policy would be the only reason, so far (my wedding is still to come!) that I would consider not recommending EDR to other brides.
I feel the goal of this is to apply enough pressure so that EDR will change the policy. if it wasn't a great resort, I don't think Tammy would care. She just wouldn't book weddings there. The problem is that it is a great place & it's a shame their policy keeps changing & getting worse. So ideally this sticky will get them to change their policy. Then more brides can enjoy a beautiful EDR wedding.
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Yea, they probably will recognize her, that is why I plan on saying yes, but she is a long time friend and this is her wedding gift to me. It is a ridiculous policy that I just had to find a way around. The way i look at it, I am spending ALOT of money there (my guests will literally take up half of the resort), so go ahead and let them mess with me :)

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Originally Posted by shannon View Post

This policy would be the only reason, so far (my wedding is still to come!) that I would consider not recommending EDR to other brides.
I think that's the whole point of the boycott- for you to be able to recommend your resort if they *hopefully* change their policy. I don't think the whole purpose of the thread is to make current and past EDR brides feel bad about their weddings at EDR, but instead to make future brides aware of the policy so they can make an educated decision. Whether they choose to truly "boycott" the resort after knowing all the policies is truly up to them.

However, I hope most brides read this policy and do choose to take their business elsewhere. I'd hate to see more resorts pick up similar policies after watching how this change didn't even hurt EDR's business at all, but instead allowed the resort to earn more money. The wedding business is constantly nickel and diming couples- I think it's awesome if we can contribute to putting our foot down and forcing a policy change.
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If someone knew the policy & still booked their wedding there today, we wouldn't treat them any differently as a BDW member. We all get attached to our hotels & it's hard to hear someone talk bad about it. But, for EDR it's just about the policy which I think everyone agrees is not cool. If the policy goes away then we can have even more beautiful EDR pictures to look at. I couldn't get over how amazing the place is with the individual pools.


I would like to see some similar action taken for ROR. I don't feel like their policy is fair to their brides or their in house photographer. Maybe an organized email petition? We do have to fight back against the nickle & diming or it will just get worse as destination weddings keep getting more popular. Nothing wrong with hotels profiting, but it upsets me how they are hurting local photographers with the rules. I'd rather see them just charge $500 more for the wedding fee or something.

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