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Mommies to be check in


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I didnt know that there were so many of you preggers out there either..... I love to look at all the pics and live vicariously (sp) through you guys LOL. Bo kiddys for me for a while. Its so fun to hear how everything goes and of course all the pics. Im sorry that you guys arent feeling well. But like they said it could be worse, it does mean that your baby and you are healthy... which is much better than the alternative. keep us posted with everything I cant wait to see the whole process with all you ladies. So much fun!

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Oh lookie - a whole thread for me to post stuff about my little Nugget! lol


Here is the progression photo I have ... I saw reference to this new thread in the Angelina Jolie thread, and for your reference - I started feeling movement between 16-17 weeks, but really didn't "know" what it was until about 19 or so. But here they are! I am taking pics every 4 weeks too - so here is the latest ...


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Well my update is that my baby will be born hopefully on Sunday!!

I'm having an elective c-section and Sunday is my hubby's bday, he really wanted his baby to be born this day so we convinced the doctor to do it on Sunday!


Here's a baby bump progression pic, but of course I'm much bigger now!


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here's a pic from his 4D ultrasound:


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and here's a pic of his room!


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This thread is so cute with all the baby bumps and nurseries.


Angela I'm sorry you had a bad day but I'm glad that you and the little munchkin are okay.


Anny, Ann & Chrstine you girls look amazing. Anny we will be thinking about you on sunday. I hope everything goes smoothly and that you don't feel pain!

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Oh my goodness- you all are so tiny! Seriously, that is motivation for me to get to the gym. From my calculations based upon your progression pics, I'm about 20-21 weeks pregnant. Awesome!


Anny- we will be thinking about you come Sunday! Rest up and relax.

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