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Possible family conflict with wedding date?

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Okay, so originally I was planning a summer 09 wedding in my hometown, but soon decided to change my plans to have a destination wedding next May... and now my cousin is crying foul. He's been dating a nice girl for about 10 months, and he says they want to have a destination wedding in Jamaica a month before mine.


He told me he wants to save up to have a big lavish wedding (we have a big family) and he plans to fly family members out. Thing is they're not engaged yet, and he's currently between jobs.


Do I try to move my wedding around just in case my cousin's plans fall into place somehow? (There would be a lot of overlap with our guestlists.) I've been dating FH for 6 years, got engaged in January, and we are happy that just set our date for next May.


What do you think?


UPDATE: I just wanted to thank you ladies for your advice! I stuck with my plans and moved forward with my May 09 wedding.... And although I am sad for my cousin, I'm relieved that I didn't try to change my wedding plans....


Here's what happened: He finally started working again & she pushed him to get a ring with his first paycheck. (Never mind the bills that had been piling up...) Found out she was the one pushing for the April wedding too, although the family already knew I was engaged. They got engaged about 3 weeks ago, and ended up breaking up last weekend. (Long story, but it was messy.) Engagement is off, relationship is over.


I would've been so vexed if I had moved my date and changed my plans to accommodate them! Moral of the story: don't let anybody try to push you into rearranging your wedding plans, especially if their own plans aren't set!

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Originally Posted by Lizz View Post
Ummm....NO! If he's not even engaged, has no job and no real plans, then don't change what you're doing for him!

don't let him tell you what to do.. but here's what you do do lol Send out your STDs before him so that way they plan for yours not his hehe
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Since when do guys get all fussy over this stuff. Weird.


Anyways- I agree with everyone. Why does he think he has a right to dictate? I'd send out the STDs ASAP. He hasn't even proposed yet. How can he have a date? Sounds like he's putting the cart in front of the horse.

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