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My car was broken in to last night


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Originally Posted by twinkletoes View Post
Well said! That is exactly how I felt when my car got broken into last month,my window got busted, and my new digital camera was stolen! I was thankful enough they didnt rob me while I was still in the car, as it seems it happened an hour or so after I got home at 3 in the morning! Jerks!
if my camera was stolen with pictures on it I didn't have downloaded yet I'd be really upset. I actually swap out my SD cards on vacation to protect my pictures from being stolen if I lost my camera.

I wasn't too upset until this cop showed up & started making bad jokes. I took a while to find my registration & he said he was going to haul me away in handcuffs. Then he picked on me for not removing the faceplate. I used to, but it's hard to take off this stereo. I always felt like I was going to break it. I said I'm typically a really safe person and he said "is that why you had $5 in your console." Geez, it's not like I'd be devistated to lose $5. It's in there because I get really dizzy when i need to eat. So it's like emergency backup money for food.

The purse was taken by someone in my confirmation class. There were about 20 of us in the church practicing for confirmation. One girl left early & took my purse on her way out.
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Oh Morgan that really bites! I know how you feel, after 2 break in's and 1 stolen vehicle (all Civic's, you think I'd learn), I'm still not immune to the feeling. But at least it makes you smarter, remembering not to leave anything in it and what-not.


I have a friend who's car was broken into so often (even with nothing to steal inside) she finally started leaving it windows down, door unlocked to save herself the hassle of replacing the broken parts. It works! She no longer has to deal with it sad.gif

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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
But, I can tell I am so happy with my life because it really isn't getting to me. How can I be upset when so many other things in my life are so perfect?
I am so happy to hear you say this, there are so many more important things in life than stressing about the little stuff.
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Originally Posted by DougsGirl View Post
I am so happy to hear you say this, there are so many more important things in life than stressing about the little stuff.
The old me (5 years ago) would be crying, screaming, complaining, etc. I've taken on a more positive outlook & don't let things get to me so much. But, I do share bad news to warn other people to be more cautious.

here are my warnings : back up your harddrive, put a lock on your laptop, remove you faceplate from your stereo, take valuables out of your car, don't leave your purse unattended, keep a tight grip on your camera on vacation.

I'll still keep buying civics. my car is over 9 yrs old with no problems (except for the lack of stereo :)) I love my car.
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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
I'll still keep buying civics. my car is over 9 yrs old with no problems (except for the lack of stereo :)) I love my car.
I love my car too :) in 2005 I finally grew-up from a 2 door Civic to my 4 door EX and I ADORE it :) It's so comfy and lots of room for me, Doug, 2 dogs and kids plus various gear for each of us.
Lately tho I've been eyeing the Dodge Magnum, it's like a really cool version of a mom-car!
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Originally Posted by DougsGirl View Post
I have a friend who's car was broken into so often (even with nothing to steal inside) she finally started leaving it windows down, door unlocked to save herself the hassle of replacing the broken parts. It works! She no longer has to deal with it sad.gif
Lol, thats what my FI said and actually did! The theives just actually just rummaged through his car and took a couple of cds, while I had to come out of pocket over $200 for my freakin window!
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